How to get better sleep

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. We had a great week here in San Francisco with some amazing conversations which challenged and brought hope to different people. One situation was really encouraging. A few years ago I (Markus) encouraged a man in the coffee shop. I haven’t seen him since then. Last Monday we watched the world cup game and he was there. After the game we ended up talking and he shared about how he is still thinking about and being encouraged by the conversation we had years ago. Sincere Encouragement can touch people’s lives for a long time.

Last weekend we went to the wedding of Jens Mom in Pennsylvania and were also able to see family during that time. Thank you God for times like that.

Please keep praying for the situation at the base. Things are moving forward with everyting and we are closer to figure things out. Yeah!! Please keep praying with us for finances.

How to get better sleep

20140619_093533Living in San Francisco showed me more clearly how many people have a hard time sleeping. This can be caused by many different things. It could be stress, not enough exercise or just no time to process things. One thing I also noticed is that people stimulate their minds pretty much till bed time with video games, tv or computer stuff. I learned for myself that I need some time to wind down at night to get some good rest. I heard the saying that with the things you fall asleep with you wake up with. And I believe it is true. It is crucial how we start our day but also as crucial how we end it

I want to give you some tips, that I learned myself over the years, to start and end your day right.

  • The number one thing to start and end your day right, is with a God time. It can be a time in his presence through Prayer, soaking or reading his Word. Meditating on a scripture is something that helps as well. It is also important to finish our day with brining God the things that went wrong during the day and by giving him our burdens. Both of those are very crucial, because it sets you up for your sleep and for your day.
  • In Jewish tradition the new day actually starts with sunset. Look at the start of the Sabbath, it started Friday after sunset. So it is important to set ourselves up for the new day when it starts and that would be at sunset the day before. If you look at the Amish way of life you notice something similar. Every night before they go to bed they read and pray together. They are also praying for the new day that is coming up and bring before God the day that passed. So it is important to change our mindset by setting ourselves up to start our day right when it actually begins, the night before.
  • Another practical thing that was really helpful for me is not to use any electronics at least one hour before bedtime and not first thing in the morning. When you use electronics first thing in the morning or last thing at night it will stimulate your mind and get you back into work and stress mode right away. If you avid that and give your body time to get ready you will eliminate lots of stress.
  • A good thing to relax your mind is to read a relaxing book. Something that is easy to read and doesn’t stimulate your mind.
  • For some people it also helps to take a bath or have a hot cup of herbal tea. The main thing is to get your mind off the day and relax.

Try out those tips and see if it helps you. If you have other tips, write them in the comment section so it can help others.

Have a blessed week and may God bless you with good sleep from now on!!

Markus and Jen

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