Hope and patience

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8.25

hopeWe live in a society where everything needs to be instant. We want things we order being delivered in the least amount of time, projects we work on need to be done quickly and companies need to be worth billions in a few years. But reality often looks very different. Many times it takes years of patience and not giving up reaching the goal. Often it is not the instant gratification, but it is the hope that keeps us moving forward.

It is the same in your community. You will not bring change if you are not willing to be patient and to stay. If you want to build true relationships and earn the right to share about your faith or anything else you need to be patient. Our community needs to see our faith in action and not just hear us talk about it. But again this requires patience and also hope. Are we hoping that our communities are changed and are we having patience to wait?

I want to challenge us to let God give us a vision for our communities that is greater than us and then to have hope for it to happen. And if you already have a vision stay on track with patience. Don’t give up hope even if things don’t look great. Keep moving forward. Let me remind you God didn’t part the red sea before Moses arrived, He did tell him what to do when he was there!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a fantastic week. What’s new in your life? Last week we shared with a small group about how to be more involved in their community. It was awesome to see how many people got encouraged and challenged through it. On Friday we had a Cinco the Mayo themed game night with neighbors and friends. It was as well a wonderful time. Its amazing to see what can happen when you create a space for community.

We want to encourage you this week to remember to live in patience with an hopeful expectation.

May God bless you

Markus and Jen

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