Here is the Love your neighbor monthly tip – Bake something for your neighbors

Why is it important?

When Jesus called us to love our neighbor, he gave us a task that is possible for each one of us and is also a blessing for each one of us. Many people around us might feel isolated or don’t feel a sense of belonging (maybe including us), and each one of us can bring change to that. You will see how loving your neighbor will change those things and also the relationships but also how it will give you a greater love for the people around you. It will leave a great impact and it builds a strong and lasting community for your neighbors and you as well to just name a few things. When I think back to last year and how the pandemic affected everyone around the world we saw more and more 1. the need of bringing God’s love to our local places and 2. How important it is to be connected with our neighbors. We got reminded of the call from Jesus also because our neighborhoods were the only places we could go to. So let’s all do this together starting today to take Jesus seriously and love our neighbor. We will give you a monthly tip with how to establish that relationship and love your neighbors in a practical way and then we will all put it into action with the neighbors right around us.  And then watch how over time your neighborhood will change! You, me, and all of us can do it so let’s do it!!

Our tip for this month is to bake something for your neighbors! Watch the video with some tips on that!

Hi our friend

How are you?

This week was sad and happy at the same time. First of we were able to have a bbq with 2 of our neighbors on our deck which was amazing! It felt more like normal again to connect with neighbors in the way we always did before. This week our whole street also had a Goodbye for one of our long term neighbor friends. He lived here for 49 years and was such a big part of the neighborhood. It was wonderful to celebrate him, but in the same way sad to see him move. Pray for a good start for him at his new spot.

No matter if you have a neighbor that is here for a short time or a long time, make sure to invest in relationship. And also fitting with our monthly love your neighbor tip at the beginning of the blog, maybe start that relationship or make it go deeper by bringing over something home baked!! So think about what you gonna bake, come up with a simple plan when and then do it!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


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