Great is thy faithfulness

I don’t know if you ever felt that way, but sometimes God encourages you through the songs you sing in worship. Recently our worship team at church played the old song Great is thy faithfulness. While singing that song God showed me a in a deeper way his faithfulness in my life. It’s amazing how God can use a song.

When I looked up the poem the song is based on, I found out that it was written in 1923 by Thomas Chisolm. Thomas grew up very poor with bad health and basic education. But then, later on, he became a teacher and later a minister which he both had to stop because of his health. But in all of those circumstances, he wrote about Gods faithfulness. He did not base it on what the world could give him but solely based it on God himself.

1923 is just a few years before the great depression hit the world. I wonder how many people felt encouraged through that time to keep their focus on Gods faithfulness and not the one the world can provide by just reading that poem. I bet many people read those lines and put there trust back into God.

Later on, the song was played at big crusades of Billy Graham were thousands of people would give there life to Jesus. And now in the year, 2019 God encourages me through this song.

I’m sure that Thomas didn’t think his little poem would turn someday in a song and then would impact many people all over the place. He probably just wrote a poem to be encouraged and reminded about Gods faithfulness even in hard times. But God used it way bigger then he could ever imagine.

We want to encourage you with that song and story that God is also faithful in your life. Make sure to remind yourself daily about that. Also, step into the things He has for you and be faithful in them. You never know if there will be a song or something else that he puts on your heart that will encourage or bring change to people almost 100 years later.


Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be

Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning, new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hands hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own great presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful time celebrating Easter last weekend!! He is risen!! We love this time of the year since it can really open up conversation about our faith. With all the church services and different events people are more exposed to the truth and are more curious what it is about. Join us in praying this week for people that don’t know Jesus yet that they have an opportunity to hear the gospel in a way that they can understand.

Remember this week that whatever God puts on your heart do it, it can change your life and the lives of others forever!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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