God is still in the miracle business

Hey our friend

We had a great week back in San Francisco. Last Friday we had our encouragement group at the coffee shop and it was the biggest group so far with 9 people since we started in March. It’s awesome to see Gods faithfulness. Please keep us in your prayers in these coming weeks, while we prepare for our first training on how to live the great commission with people around you in July.

Please also keep praying for favor for the Leaders of the YWAM Base in the Tenderloin while they meet with the Landlord about the purchase of the building and for more finances to come in for that. So far over $100.000 were given and more then $100.000 were promised in pledges so they need at least 300.000 more to make an offer to the owner.  Consider to give towards this amazing ministry. Under this link you can find more info about it.

God is still in the miracle business

IMG_8101-2When we look through the bible we see many stories of miracles and how God showed up and brought provision to people through simple steps of faith. In 2nd Kings 4.1-7 is as story about how 2 sons of a lady got saved from slavery because of a miraculous provision of oil. She took a step of faith and believed Elisha and through that God was able to do a miracle. But it took a step of faith on her side.

Many times I heard from people that God doesn’t do miracles in todays times. But I have to say that was never my experience. Just thinking back 2 .5 years I saw God show up in an amazing miracle. When God told me to start the ministry in the north beach neighborhood of San Francisco I didn’t know anything about that area. Over time I learned more about it and also about the fact that it is one of the hardest neighborhoods in San Francisco to find housing. Here an example of how hard it is: at every apartment we applied between 20 and 30 people were waiting in line to rent with an average income of $84.000. That didn’t make things easier. To do effective ministry in a neighborhood you actually have to live there but all the odds for that happening spoke against us. But God kept encouraging us that he is still in the miracle business. So the waiting and rejection went on for 1.5 years but God was already getting ready for a great miracle. In February we send out an email to about 1000 people to pray with us for an apartment. A friend from Korea prayed and fasted for us for 1 week. 3 days later God did the miracle and we got the apartment. But it was not just an apartment, but it was exactly what we were praying for place wise and location wise. God even fulfilled a personal wish for a fire a place. Our rent is also $1.000 below market rate.

So what do those situations teach us. First of all God is still in the miracle business in today’s time. Second for a miracle to happen it needs faith. To see miracles happen in bible times as well as today you need to step out in faith and trust in a God who is in the miracle business. Through stepping out in faith the Mom saved her 2 kids from Slavery. Through stepping out in faith many people in North Beach could be and still are and will be impacted by the love of God. I want to challenge you to really step out in faith if God calls you to. Not only for your own sake, but for the sake of others.

Remember: God is in the miracle business

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

P.s. Here a short fun video for getting ready for the Fifa World Cup in Brazil 🙂

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