God cares about the things we care about

Hey friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Our week in San Francisco was awesome. We had great opportunities to move forward with the ministry and see the lives of people being transformed. We see every day again and again how God cares about His children, and we are called to do the same. When we do that it transforms people and we have many testimonies of that.

We also had a ministry evaluation meeting with all the bay area ministries. It was an encouraging time.

God cares about the things we care about

2014-02-15 11.12.04 (2)One of my (Markus) big dreams was to race with someone on a racetrack. That is not the most spiritual thing, but it is something that really brings me joy. So a while ago I became friends with someone through sharing about the ministry who really loves cars. The other day he called me and said Markus we are going on the track to race. You can’t believe how much joy that brought to me. I loved going fast over the track. It was just amazing. This event made me think about how much God actually loves us. He knew how much I love fast things. So while being in His calling and doing the work He called me to do He opens the door to fulfill a dream of mine. It was nothing that would change the world, but it was Gods way of saying Son I love you.

God cares about the things we care about.

Jesus talks in Luke 11.11-13 about how a father would not give his child a snake if the child asks for a fish. God really cares about each one of us. But how deep in our core do we believe this truth? In which areas do we believe it? Do we only believe it for so called spiritual things or do we believe it for every area of our life? A good father doesn’t put conditions on the love for His children. God will never put conditions on the love he has for you. True love doesn’t have conditions. Even if you don’t follow Him he loves you. I’m sure it is breaking his heart to see how one of his children is walking away from the best he has for it. But he will never stop loving this child. It is a radical love. I’m not saying that life will never throw a curveball at you, and that things cant be hard, but in all of it God will always love you.

Remember this week that God has good things in store for you.

With that have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

P.s. Here is a video of 1 lap on the racetrack. And another great story, God enabled me to pray and bring hope to 2 people during the day at the track. He can use us anywhere.

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