Friendship Part 3 Fun

Friendship part 3jpgThanks for joining us for Part 3 in our friendship series. Over the last 2 weeks we talked about the importance of consistency and commitment, and also depth and trust and how they lead to a true friendship. Our question and challenge last week was to share one thing that you would normally not share with a good friend. How did that go? What did it do to your friendship?

This week we want to talk about fun. To have a solid friendship you need to have fun with each other. I remember when my friend Ben used to live in San Francisco we sometimes went out and tried different foods. We both love food and it brought joy to both of us.

Having times of just fun together will create a well-rounded friendship. If you are always just serious you are actually missing out on a side of friendship. When you do things together that you love, it will bring relaxation and refreshment for both of you. Having fun together creates memories and inside jokes that you will laugh about for the rest of your life. Fun times also help you through hard times. When you go through a rough patch in your friendship, looking back at fun times you had together makes you appreciate the other person more and also help you to forgive easier. Think about Jesus and his ministry. He went to many fun things: wedding, dinners etc. He knew that sometimes the way to get to people was to have fun with them. We were also created for rest and refreshment. So let’s have fun in our friendships.

So how can you apply that? Do one fun activity with your friend this week that you both love, and from now on start doing that every week. Also do the same with neighbors (future friends) you share the good news with. You will see how your friendship will change.

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. Our week had many fun moments. We were invited to a fundraiser for the work of the boys and girls club. This is the place we invest in a lot with our students. We also went to a concert of a friend Jen made through a book club meeting. It was a wonderful week. When you go to events in your community it connects you more with your community and people can see more the love of Jesus in you.

Please keep us in your prayers in this more busy season. Thank you for being part of our life, it means a lot to us.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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