Friendship Part 2 Depth and Trust

Friendship Part 2Thanks for joining us for Part 2 in our friendship series. Last week we talked about the importance of consistency and commitment in a true friendship. Did you have a chance to think about the questions from last week and did you start investing into a friendship? Do it and it will totally pay off for you!

This week we want to talk about depth and trust. To establish depth and trust in a friendship you need a few things. First of all it has to start with what we shared about last week, commitment and consistency. But that is just the beginning. To create depth and trust in a friendship we have to be real and open about our own lives. Of course that doesn’t mean that you should share your deepest secrets right after you started the friendship, but over time you start going there. Why, because over time both sides share deeper things and you start building deeper trust.

Example: When you start sharing about a struggle in your life, you show the other person that it is ok to share about those things. You also show them that it is ok to have struggles and that they can see that they are not alone in it. So the other person feels more free to share about their struggle as well. As soon as you do that you take away power from the enemy, because he can’t lie to you anymore that you are a terrible person and that if someone would know your struggles they would not want to be your friends anymore. But in reality the opposite is true. Your friendship actually goes deeper because the other person sees they can trust you.

You see sharing truth about your life brings depth and trust. We want to encourage you to go deeper in your friendship by being more open and real. Share with your friend what is really going on. Start this week by sharing one thing with your close friend that you would normally have a hard time sharing. When you start in your friendships it will flow over into your ministry time as well.

Being real with people will show them more that being a Christian doesn’t mean that we are perfect, but that we have a perfect father who walks with us!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. Ours was packed with many events in the neighborhood. We had some wonderful dinners with different people and also our wonderful neighbor brunch. It is always a blast coming together and share life. We want to encourage you to start your own neighbor brunch. We also had the game night at our house which was a lot of fun!

From left von links: Lexi, Rachel, Rachel, Susanna, Andrew, Hester.

From left von links:
Lexi, Rachel, Rachel, Susanna, Andrew, Hester.

Also we want to ask you to pray for our Fall school students. We wrote last week that they graduated and the hardest part after graduation is always stepping into what God has for each one of them next. We shared with them a few ways on how they can get involved in their own community and make an impact there. I want to ask you to adopt one of them and pray for them for the next 6 month that God will guide them, on how that can look like and also on how to keep growing in their faith. Here are their names: Hester, Rachel, Rachel, Andrew, Susanna and Lexi. Thank you for praying!

Our Fall 2014 DTS North Beach Team Unser Herbst 2014 North beach DTS Team

Our Fall 2014 DTS North Beach Team
Unser Herbst 2014 North beach DTS Team

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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