Encouraged and challenged daily

Encouraged and challenged dailySince Jen and I got married we read through the yearly bible 3 times and started just recently on our 4th time. It is a great start into the day by just reading the plan on the phone or let the phone read it to you. Many times we leave encouraged and also learn something new that God is speaking to us during those times.

Today part of the reading was in Psalm 37. It was so encouraging to read the promises in there. As an example Verse 5:

Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.

What a call and what a promise. When we commit everything we do including our work, our off times and all other times, it will build trust in us and God can show us through it his help. Wow what an encouragement. And all of that by just spending 15 minutes per day to read the bible.

We want to encourage you to start a one year bible reading plan and to be encouraged through his word. You can either way buy a one year bible or you can just download the you version bible app to your phone and select the one year bible under the reading plans. To succeed in going through ask yourself those 3 questions.

  1. What is a good time for me to do that (morning, night, afternoon etc.)
  2. What is my plan to not quit after I missed a day?
  3. Who can I invite to join me?

Now be encouraged by reading your bible.

Hey our friend

We hope you had a fantastic week. We had a week full of events in our apartment like a memorial bbq with friends from 5 nations, a visit from my brother and his wife from Germany and a german night at our house. Its wonderful what can happen when you create a place for community to happen. We want to encourage you to be one of those places in your neighborhood.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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