Each one is needed!

Hey our friend

2014-01-06 16.47.25We hope you had a wonderful week. We got back to San Francisco last week. We had an amazing time in Pennsylvania and felt blessed with meeting many and get the opportunity to share with 3 churches. Last Sunday we shared with a church that supported us for years and after we shared for about 10 mins we had another worship time during which the Pastor asked us if we could have a question answer and also sharing time. We did and people in the church as well as the 2 of us got really encouraged by the way God showed up.

After we got back we both got sick which was a real bummer. Please keep our health in your prayers since it seems to be the area were we get mostly attacked in. Thank you for partnering with us in Prayer and financially in this ministry. You are a true blessing!

Each one is needed!

When we look at the world today we see many people that don’t know Jesus. But we also see many people that became Christians but have no one who disciples them and who they can learn from and then fall away from God. Many times we just put that role onto the Pastor of the church, but the truth is it can’t be the job of only the pastor to disciple people.

Jesus discipled his disciples and then send them to disciple others. And all of them went for it. They did it by preaching the gospel and helping people in whichever way they needed help (Mark 16.20).

It is important for each one of us to live our faith on a daily base and help others to grow in it too. That looks different for each one of us since each of us is gifted in a different way, but it all comes down to that people need to see Jesus in each one of us.

If we want to see this world reached for Jesus and we want to see change we have to all do it. Each of us has to do their part.

We can’t just consume church; we have to be the church.

We were never meant to just go to church Sunday after Sunday and then do our own thing for the rest of the week. Church is the place to be filled, but then that filling has to be given away during the week. I promise you that when you start doing that, you will grow in your faith and your relationship with God, and you will also see others around you grow.

Look at your life this week and think about people that are around you that you can disciple. It might be the alpha graduate that just became a Christian and has many questions or it might be the man who has been a Christian all his life but is stuck. Start making a difference.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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