Deeply unconditionally loved

God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.   Brennan Manning

Deeply lovedAt the beginning of last week I caught food poisoning and was trapped in bed for 2 days.  So what do you do if you cant do much, you start reading the books that you planned to read for a long time. One of the books that a friend recommended me a long time ago was the book All is Grace which is a biography of the life of Brennan Manning. When I started reading it, I had a hard time to put it back down. The book shares a life of struggle and hardship in the most real way I probably ever read a Christian book. It made me interested in hearing him. And I found a sermon he gave on YouTube. One of the things he said was the quote from the top about love. I heard so many times said that god loves us, but with hearing him say it in that way it spoke to my heart deeper than ever before.  It made me cry because I was so overwhelmed with his deep love.

God loves us no matter which part of life we are in. If we just made the biggest mistake, or if we just had the greatest breakthrough in our faith, He loves us. And he does not love us because we have it all together and we are perfect, no he loves us just because he does. The difference in those lines is that they don’t create shame in you, instead they encourage you to become a better person because out of that true love the father has for you. But you can be secure that you are loved even if you don’t become a better person right away. Some of us might think now, so what, this encourages us to stay where we are at and not move away from our failure. I actually believe it does the total opposite. If you are excited about a marathon and your biggest supporter your spouse stands right there at the track and cheers you up, you are more likely pulling out those last pieces of strength to win, but you also know even if you lose its not a big deal since your spouse still loves you. On the opposite if you run the race and you are at the last part and you have a spouse that tells you if you don’t win you are such a failure, you might also pull out your last strength. But why? You just do it to prove you are not a failure and you are worthy to be loved. But that is not the love the father showed and Paul described in Romans 5.8. Christ died for us while we were still sinners.

I want to encourage you to ponder on this for you personally. And be real with yourself. I feel God really wants to speak to many of us through that. And the great thing with that is, when we know his love in that way we will have also more love and grace for others in our life. Maybe watch the video sermon I added at the end of this blog or the short version of his sermon from the movie Ragamuffin. May it speak deep to your heart and bring you to a new level in your relationship with the father!

Hey our friend

We hope you had an outstanding week. Last Wednesday we had the graduation for our Fall DTS Students. All of them made such a huge impact in North Beach through their Prayer walks as well as through serving at the boys and girls club. Pray that God will guide them in this coming season to use the gifting’s he has given them to bring change to wherever they go. But also pray that they will grow even closer to Him then they have been in the last few months.

Fall 2015 DTSGod is so amazing, this year our cost went up with increase in rent, health insurance and other living costs in San Francisco, but since the beginning of the year we have already seen a big increase in monthly support. Right now we are still in need of $1.300 to cover our total monthly cost. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. If you are not, but you would like to join our financial support team, find out more by clicking on this link. Thank you for considering us.

Know this week that you are deeply loved.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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