Church Family

Hey our friend

We hope you are having an absolutely fantastic week. Our week will be one of the busier ones with different groups we speak at and an information night. Please keep us in your Prayers that we are sensitive to Gods guidance in all those events. Thanks for all your Prayers!!

Church Family

When we look at the bible and how it often describes family we see a place of safety, growth, discipleship and community. But we also see a place of challenge, conflict and disagreement. When we look at the first church in Acts we see the same things.  I believe that this picture of family needs to be translated into our church life.  When we look at church history we see many times that churches split and started fighting each other because of disagreements in theology. Today we see many people switch their church because they got hurt or offended by someone or disagree with something. But that is not a family, that is more an attitude of getting the best out for ourselves without caring about others. Most of those people will keep switching churches because they will always find something they disagree with. I believe that we need a change of mind. The bible talks about to forgive the one that hurt you and to figure things out with each other. It doesn’t talk about to just leave and give up. If we all start working together in our church community and go with the attitude of love we will show the world the unity of believers that the bible talks about. It will change the way people look at the church if we love each other and speak good about each other.

Let this be a challenge to all of us and let Jesus help us to do it!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen


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