Change your mindset and thinking

Hey our friend

First of all remember today that you are amazing and loved!! And if you don’t believe that we want you to watch this video. Its really important to know this truth to understand Gods heart.

2013-08-10 18.39.33We had a great week here in San Francisco. All ministries we did were moving forward and we were able to see God at work. It is awesome to be a part of the things he is doing in San Francisco. 2 of our good friends got married last weekend, which was a wonderful time. And then we had a friend come visit for a day from Germany.

Next week we will have a staff teaching week ending with a retreat for all the YWAM San Francisco and Bay Area Staff. Pray that God will speak to each of us individually as well as all of us together as a team.

Change your thinking

During our coffee shop bible study I noticed a guy across from us. I found out that he helped the bible study attendant with some errands during the day. After talking to him for a while I noticed how he looked like as if he is in a lot of pain. He told me that he got hurt in a bicycle accident a long time ago and since then has problems with his shoulder and neck. I asked him if I can pray for him and he let me. After I prayed I asked if something changed. He told me that the pain went down by 50%. So I prayed again and asked him again and he told me that the pain went down to 20% of his original pain. I saw on his face how impacted he was that Jesus started to heal him.

I’m sharing this story with you to challenge you in your thinking. If we have a mindset of God that he did miracles in the bible but not today, we will not go up to people and pray for healing with faith that God will actually heal them. But if we believe that God is still at work today in every area of life we need to change our availability. I could have missed that moment and just focused on the bible study but this man would have missed out on God touching his life. The great thing was that it actually impacted the man in the bible study as well. I want to challenge all of us to be always ready for God to move and give us a new task. I know that it is easier to believe in a God that is not at work in those areas then at one who is, because it requires action on our part. But this world is in desperate need for answers and help, and God has the answers and wants to give it to them. Let us be good messengers and bring all of what Jesus was speaking about into this world! Lets change our thinking and trust a God that makes the impossible possible today!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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