Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Redemption Part 12: A teacher who wants to learn

Teachers are usually the ones that teach especially if they are the highest teacher in the country. But this Teacher comes to Jesus to learn. Be inspired and encouraged. You find the bible reference for todays topic in John 3


Hi our friend

How are you?

We hope you had a wonderful week. While waiting outside I got into a conversation with a young man right where we live. He kind of looked lost so I just started talking to him. During our conversation I was able to encourage him and also pray for him. The opportunity opened up because of God making me aware of my surroundings. I could have easily missed it by just using the wait time to check my phone but because I didn’t, I was able to notice this young man. I want to encourage you through this situation to ask God to help you be aware of your surroundings.

We also want to encourage you along with the video and us to always have a learning heart. Also don’t forget to show his love to people. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t follow Jesus right away. Remember Nicodemus took a long time with this decision, till the time when Jesus was at the cross.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption Part 11: An unusual Team

If you put together a Team you look at that the people are well educated in your area and help you to achieve what you set out to.  Today we will talk about a team that is put together a bit different. Be inspired and encouraged. You find the bible reference for todays topic in Mark 1:16-20

Hi our friend

How are you?

We pre wrote this blog since we just got back from our trip a few days before this blog posted so there is no update for this week, but this coming Monday there will be one!! We hope you enjoy the Redemption Series!!

We also want to encourage you to follow God fully like the disciples. He knows you more than you know yourself, trust his guidance.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption Part 10: A big win

A big win is something fantastic. Today we are talking about a big win that Jesus had. Be inspired and encouraged. You find the bible reference for todays topic in Luke 4

Hi our friend

How are you?

We are on a vaccation so there is no new update this week. Have a wonderful week!!

Also spend time this week to ask God where the enemy could tempt you and ask God to bring healing and strength in that area so you can fully walk out the things God is calling you to.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption Part 9: God looks at the heart not the outside appearance

Find out in this weeks video what locusts, honey and camel clothing have to do with todays topic. Be inspired and encouraged. You find the bible reference for todays topic in Matthew 3, mark 1:1-13, Luke 3:1-22 and John 1:6-13 and 19-34

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!

Last Sunday I got to see an old friend that I haven’t seen for over 10 years since he lives in another country. I met him many years ago through a friend of his. At the time he came to the Bay Area to study and work as an intern. Going to a new place and culture is never easy and finding a connection in an area that deals with loneliness and isolation in big ways doesn’t make it easier. But through that connection through his friend who knew me and YWAM, he came by and we got to hang out. It was a blessing to me and him to have made a new friend and a blessing to him to be connected to others as well who also lived in a different country. And now 14 years later, we both are married and have children and we got to have dinner together during a layover they had in San Francisco. Friends are a blessing and often times you find them when you invite a stranger into your life who then becomes a friend! Or like the poet William Butler Yeats said: There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t met! Who might be the stranger in your life who is just a step away from being your friend?

Also remember the topci of the video above and let us all ask God to help us that we see people the way he sees them and as well that he will reveal the things in our lives that need repentance.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption Part 8: Redemption comes with a cost and diligent prayer

This week we are looking at 2 people that were diligent in seeking after God through prayer and fasting and in their relationship with him. And in this video we see a bit more the cost of a certain kind of redemption. Be inspired and encouraged. You find the bible reference for todays theme in Luke 3.21-38

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!! Ours was good here. In this last season I started to help out with emails at the finance office at YWAM here in San Francisco. The team really needed help and i told them that i can help for a few hours a week in whichever way they need help. Even its only in a limited capacity I really enjoy helping out. But what really encourages me too is that God is using a gifting he has given me to help in an area of need. I want to encourage you to ask God to open doors for you to use giftings he gave you to build His Kingdom.

Also Remember to pray for Redemption for people in your life and your nation. Also spend some time to think about the cost of Redemption.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb