Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Redemption part 33: The Message goes out into the world Part 2

Paul carries the message further and further and faces challenges. Be encouraged!
Read about the journey in Acts 15.36-18.22

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

I finally started to feel better which I am so thankful for! Cause of that we were able to have a small bbq with a neighbor and also got to connect with our small group in person. It felt good to connect with others again. We also were able to join the memorial online of Paps  in Jamaica. It was so encouraging to hear from so many people about his life and what God can do if we fully follow and trust him! I added the video of it if you want to watch it.

Don’t forget to ask yourself those questions from the video: Ask God in an unjust situation how he wants to bring good out of it? How can you share the good news with people in a way that they will understand?

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 32: God Closes a door

Today we are looking at Acts 16 and how God closed a door. Find out more in the video

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

I was hoping to be healthy again this week but it was not to be. I ended up seeing a doctor who prescribed me a medicine to get better. Keep me in your prayers since Jesus is still the best Physician. Even with being in bed I was able to get some things done including putting our 21 day love your neighbor challenge online. Join us for 21 days to start your journey in loving your neighbor! We start July 1st and you can follow and see it on facebook: or Instagram at We hope you join us!!

Don’t forget if God closes a door keep obeying and wait till he guides you to the next open one.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 31: Sharing about what God does

Sharing about what God does is really important. Find out more in this blog!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. I for sure wasn’t planning on being stuck at home sick. But in the same way it ended up being a blessing. I got extra time with Caleb building his wooden train, I got extra time to work on tasks I don’t get to often that I could do out of bed, I got some extra time to rest and I got to spend extra  time praying to just name a few. I want to encourage you to look at the redemptive side of moments that didn’t go as planned.

Don’t forget to go to a night when a missionary shares in your town and be inspired!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 30: The Message goes out into the world

To this point the good news mainly stayed in Israel, but that is about to change. The good news goes into the world. Be encouraged and inspired.

Hi our friend

It was great to spend time with family and supporters in Germany. It was wonderful that we were able to encourage different people and also got encouraged as well. After we got back Caleb and I both got sick which is not that much fun, but we will make it through! How was your week?

And like every week a question to the video to ponder on: What is your role in bringing the good news into the world and what do you do right now to step into it? If you don’t know let God guide you in your times of prayer!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 29: The Message goes to the hungry

To this point, the good news mainly stayed with people from a Jewish background, but that is about to change. The good news reaches others who are hungry for it. Be encouraged and inspired.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!! We are on our last days in Germany. Starting next week our weekly update will be back.

As talked about in the video, ask God to guide you to the ones who are hungry for the good news!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb