Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

I trust in You

This week is about fear and trust. Be encouraged.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

One late afternoon I decided to go for a quick walk around the block to just get a few steps in. Just by doing that I ran into multiple neighbor friends and some strangers. I got into good conversations with all of them and I don’t even know how an hour went by and I just walked one lap. Its amazing how easily to get into conversation and connect with people. The blue angles doing their airshow over the city was a great conversation starter. We want to encourage you to also walk around your area and connect with the people there. Start a conversation with a simple topic that is relevant right now (besides politics since that can be very divisive). Watch how your connections and relationships in the neighborhood grow just by doing something simple like this.

And 2 more things at the end about the video: 1. Pray and ask yourself where you have subconsciously allowed fear into your life and made decisions out of fear. 2. Give this fear to God and express your trust in Him in a completely new way no matter what circumstance!

Markus, Jen and Caleb


This weeks video blog is about righteousness. Be inspired and encouraged!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

We love our church in San Francisco and have been part of it for 16 years. Last Sunday our church celebrated the 40th anniversary. Its amazing to see how God used it to empower, encourage and build up people for a long time. Even with many moves, challenging times, pastor changes and other circumstances the church kept going. I want to encourage you with that to be perseverant. Keep going in the things God called you to do and don’t give up in times of challenge.

And 2 more things at the end about the video: 1. Read Romans 4 and 5 and let God encourage you through them. 2. Let us ask God to show us where we still try to prove ourselves instead of leaning into his grace!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


Eternal perspective

This weeks video blog is about perspective, specifically eternal perspective. Be inspired and encouraged!

Hi our friend

Wow this week was a busy one but a wonderful one too. We got to spend time with many different people for birthdays, meetings, small groups or meals. It’s a blessing to be part of so many different communities. All of us need community! If you dont have a community ask God to guide you to one that you can be part of!

And one last thing at the end about the video: Reflect on the things you are doing and ask yourself which of those have an eternal perspective vs short term. Let us ask Jesus to help us to get his perspective for every part of our life!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 40: One last one and what’s next

Today we finish up our series and talk a bit about what’s next!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Thank you God for this week!! We had so many wonderful times but Saturday was for sure a highlight. We were doing Part 1 of the love your neighbor workshop with a local church in the morning which was a lot of fun. We really enjoyed the group and their heart for loving their neighbors. After we finished the workshop, we headed over to help with a big worship event at Golden Gate Park which our church put together. This year was the 6th time it happened.  Jen helped with the kids painting station and I was part of the prayer tent and a testimony wall. All of us had a wonderful time. It was also so amazing to see people from different churches coming together to worship Jesus in the middle of Golden Gate Park.

At the end here is a takeaway for the Redemption Series: Know that you are deeply loved by God, keep drawing closer to Him and let his love fill you so that you can love others even better too!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


Redemption part 39: How you can share the Message

Today we talk about something very important, about how you can share the Good news. Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Reading the bible together with others is such a blessing! We host a small group at our house from our church and we are reading the book of Romans together. The great thing about reading together is that each one picks up different things from the text things we might otherwise would have missed. We want to encourage you to join a small group in your church and have the wonderful community and study together.

Also don’t forget to deepen your friendship with Jesus and the ones he put on your heart and then to introduce them to your friend Jesus!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb