Build up your Courage Part 1

Build up your courage Part 1Many times in life we face situations which we think are too big for us to handle. I think we often forget in those moments that we have a loving father on our side for whom nothing is too big. When God gave me the vision for what we are doing now I was thinking that it was not possible to do. But then I reminded myself about how faithful God was in the past and how the things He spoke started to become a reality. Yes we faced obstacles along the way, yes things looked different then I thought they would look like, but reality is things started to come true the way God said.

But even sometimes things are not as big as the ones mentioned above, like encouraging a neighbor, starting a brunch for neighbors, they still need courage.

But how do you keep your courage up even in times of hardship? Like I said before you have to keep remembering who God is and how faithful He is. One great thing to do that is by reading the Psalms. When you go through that book you will notice how many obstacles and tough situations the writers faced, but how God came through at the end.  Psalm 23.4 Even though I walk through the valley of shadow and death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…
This Psalm is just one of the many examples.

We want to encourage you to read through some of your favorite Psalms this week to build up your courage!

Hey our friend

We had a wonderful sunny week here in San Francisco. We hope you had some nice weather too so you could enjoy the beauty of Gods nature. During our week we had a yearly event for the neighborhood association which was a lot of fun. We meet a few new neighbors from our hill through the event which was awesome! We also shared with a team from Korea on how to love on their neighbors and neighborhood. Preparation for the conference this week also took up a good junk of time. Please pray with us that this conference will encourage and challenge YWAM’ers from all over the world to make an impact in the different areas of there cities.

Remember this week to read your Psalms!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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