Born into a family

Born into a family

20141023_180629We are moving towards Christmas and I want to focus in the next few blogs on a very important topic, family. When Jesus was born into this world, he was born into a family. The bible doesn’t tell us too much about his family, but I’m pretty sure it was a place where he felt save and loved.

All of us are born into this world, but that doesn’t necessarily apply that all of us are born into a family. Recently I was teaching on the father heart of God and while preparing I ran across a statistic from the year 2012 that said that over 40% of babies born in the US are out of wedlock (means unmarried relationships). But what happens to those children? Many of them grow up without an intact family which often leads them to a feeling of not belonging. I have a wonderful friend who raises the child of his brother, who chooses the criminal life. But in this case my friend took that child in and raises her like his own. It is amazing to see how loved that child feels and how appreciated.

Later in his life Jesus was asked to see his mother and brothers. But His answer was, the people that are with him and following him are his family. That means even if we are not born into a family, we are still a part of Gods family; the family of people that follow him. It is like the situation of my friend, God and his crew on earth (the Christians) take us in to be a part of the family. So when you become a Christian you are born into a new family. It doesn’t matter if you have a wonderful family or if you don’t, you are a part of a bigger family who loves you. If you are not connected with your Christian family make sure to do so, it will help you to grow and belong.

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week together with your family. We were able to be family last week to 10 people for our thanksgiving meal. It was a wonderful fun time. It took us a long time to prepare all the food, but it came out really good. Please keep praying for people without families in this season that they will find community and Jesus.

This week was also a really sad week for me Markus since my grandpa passed away. We had to fly early to germany to make the funeral. Please keep praying for me and my family. I know he is with Jesus.

Think about to partner with us in bringing family to people that don’t have one. Join our monthly supporter team. You can do that with $25, $50, $100 or any other amount you would like. Click on this link then choose under monthly giving the amount, under ministry Staff support and write under comments Markus and Jen. You can also support us through checks; find more info on how under this link. Thank you for partnering with us in Engaging a city with a loving God.

Your friends

Markus and Jen

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