Live your faith 100%, Paul

Last week we talked about Romans 5.20 were sin abounds grace abounds more. This week I want to look with you at the man who wrote the book of Romans. Be inspired!

Hey our friend

Days, weeks, months, years sometimes go by so fast and we don’t even remember what we did. Let God remind you about those special moments he gave you this week! We had a pretty good week here in SF. We hosted a small group at our house which was encouraging. When you host them you really become a family with the people who come. Its amazing. We also had some wonderful times with people in our community. During the week we worked also on the book. We are going on another writing trip in May. Pray with us that we can keep moving forward. The last few month have been harder in that area since we didn’t get to the book as much as we would have liked. Thank you for praying!

Have a blessed week and let God help you to have your life 100% sold out to Him!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Grace is greater then sin

… But where sin increased, Grace increased even more! Romans 5.20

This weeks blog is all about this famous verse above and how it affects us and this world. Be inspired and encouraged!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week! Ours was great. Jen and I got very cheap tickets from our cell phone company for a baseball game which was a lot of fun! We also hold our north beach small group again at our house which was wonderful. Every time we leave encouraged! Its just wonderful to have a group of friends from your own neighborhood so you don’t have to go far to see each other. That is why loving your neighbor and neighborhood is so amazing and wonderful since it really gets you connected on a regular basis in an easy way. Make sure to connect!

Spend some time this week to meditate on Romans 5.20 and see what God wants to say to you through it!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


Let all that I am praise the Lord, with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name! Psalm 103.1

This weeks video blog is all about Worshipping God with all that we are. Be encouraged! We also made a playlist with worship songs to get started for you!

Hey our friend

How are you? Hopefully great!! Last week we were able to go with a few neighbor friends to a neighborhood meal which was a lot of fun! We also had our bay area YWAM Ministries council meeting. It was encouraging to hear what God is doing at all the other places! During the week we also had a goodbye for now lunch for our North beach DTS Students. They are leaving for their outreach for the next 2 month.  Keep them in there prayers that they have opporturnity to bring the hope of Jesus to people to all the places they go to!

Thank you so much for partnering with us in Prayer and financially and by loving your neighbor where you live! You are a huge blessing!!

Don’t forget this week to worship God with all!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

The importance of Context

The importance of contextWe have another very relevant video blog for you about the importance of Context! It has a great importance in todays time to truly understand! We hope it inspires you!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great celebration for Easter remembering the love of God! We had a wonderful time  with a big Easter brunch at our appartment and showed Son of God. We pray that neighbors and people in our community experienced his love in a new way. The Catholic Church in our neighborhood did a lot of outreach during the week to share with people about Easter which was amazing! Pray with us that many will find him and fall in love with him. He is just the best thing and nothing in this world will ever be able to take this place!

We wish you this week that all of us will be more and more able to see things in the right context!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Easter 2018

easter 2018A few years ago I read a biography from the life of Brennan Manning it was called “All is Grace“. In the book it talked about his life in an honesty I rarely ever heard. He talked about his alcohol addiction and how he missed the funeral of his Mom because he was drunk. He was preaching and sharing and encouraging many people during his life with this message of grace that God would take a drunk like him, even while he was still failing over and over again, and extend grace. One of his famous statements was: “God loves you unconditionally as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.” That statement shows us very well the heart of God and the deeper meaning behind Easter. Romans 5.9 puts it like this: God demonstrates his own love for us in that the Messiah died on our behalf while we were still sinners.

Celebrating Easter every year is a reminder of the grace each of us receives daily from our loving father. God did the hardest thing possible so that all of us can experience grace. A grace that is undeserved and unconditional. But also a grace, which has the highest price possible. It doesn’t matter where we are at in life; God is saying you are so valuable to me that no matter what you did, I want you back! I love you my daughter, my son. I made a way that you get grace and not what you deserve. This is the power of the cross. This is the outcome of Jesus rising from the dead. This is the power that can transform lives yesterday, today and tomorrow! This is the power that gave hope to a hopeless alcoholic like Brennan Manning and a Paul who persecuted Gods children! Let His power touch our lives in a new way too in this Easter time!

But let’s not just keep it for us! Since we received this grace, let us also extend grace to others. Let us especially in this Easter time show people how grace was extended to each one of us no matter where we were at in life and that it will be extended to everyone else who believes in Jesus! Let’s bring that message of hope!  Have a blessed Easter

Hey our friend

What is new with you friend? We hope you are doing well! We are praying that you get new revelation of God this week in your bible reading or times with him in this Easter week!

For us it was a pretty normal week. Jen is almost recovered from her cold which is awesome!! Im still on my way to full recovery, but I’m also getting there!! Now we are getting ready for Easter. We will probably watch another Easter movie with neighbors at our house which will be awesome! There will also be different events in our neighborhood from the Catholic Church to share with people about Easter. Its such an important time in our faith. Thinking about what Jesus did for each one of us shows so much of His love! May it be a real encouragement to you too!

Try to share with someone this week what Easter means to you!! Have a blessed Easter!

God bless you

Markus and Jen