Author Archives: Markus

Easter 2018

easter 2018A few years ago I read a biography from the life of Brennan Manning it was called “All is Grace“. In the book it talked about his life in an honesty I rarely ever heard. He talked about his alcohol addiction and how he missed the funeral of his Mom because he was drunk. He was preaching and sharing and encouraging many people during his life with this message of grace that God would take a drunk like him, even while he was still failing over and over again, and extend grace. One of his famous statements was: “God loves you unconditionally as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.” That statement shows us very well the heart of God and the deeper meaning behind Easter. Romans 5.9 puts it like this: God demonstrates his own love for us in that the Messiah died on our behalf while we were still sinners.

Celebrating Easter every year is a reminder of the grace each of us receives daily from our loving father. God did the hardest thing possible so that all of us can experience grace. A grace that is undeserved and unconditional. But also a grace, which has the highest price possible. It doesn’t matter where we are at in life; God is saying you are so valuable to me that no matter what you did, I want you back! I love you my daughter, my son. I made a way that you get grace and not what you deserve. This is the power of the cross. This is the outcome of Jesus rising from the dead. This is the power that can transform lives yesterday, today and tomorrow! This is the power that gave hope to a hopeless alcoholic like Brennan Manning and a Paul who persecuted Gods children! Let His power touch our lives in a new way too in this Easter time!

But let’s not just keep it for us! Since we received this grace, let us also extend grace to others. Let us especially in this Easter time show people how grace was extended to each one of us no matter where we were at in life and that it will be extended to everyone else who believes in Jesus! Let’s bring that message of hope!  Have a blessed Easter

Hey our friend

What is new with you friend? We hope you are doing well! We are praying that you get new revelation of God this week in your bible reading or times with him in this Easter week!

For us it was a pretty normal week. Jen is almost recovered from her cold which is awesome!! Im still on my way to full recovery, but I’m also getting there!! Now we are getting ready for Easter. We will probably watch another Easter movie with neighbors at our house which will be awesome! There will also be different events in our neighborhood from the Catholic Church to share with people about Easter. Its such an important time in our faith. Thinking about what Jesus did for each one of us shows so much of His love! May it be a real encouragement to you too!

Try to share with someone this week what Easter means to you!! Have a blessed Easter!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Belong before belief

Belong before beliefSo this week we have a video blog for you about the topic belong before belief. We hope it inspires you!

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope great! Ours was just ok since Jen got sick again with another cold and by the end of the week I got sick as well. This winter it has been bad here for many people with getting sick over and over again. Please keep us and our neighbors in your prayers for quick recovery! We also watched a little dog for neighbor friends while they were gone. It was amazing to see how it opened doors for conversation.

During the week I had a board meeting and we had the last led prayer walk of our students. They all did a great job! Like I mentioned last week the skater school is graduating. Pray for them for their time after that each of them get plugged in well and keeps growing in their faith. I also had a board meeting which was a good time. Thanks for being part of our team!

Make sure this week to love on a few of your neighbors and think about how neighbors can belong more into your life!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Where do you put your trust?

where do you put your trustA while ago a good friend of mine gave me a new bible as a gift. It is a study bible that has study notes from a jewish perspective. It gave me a deeper understanding of the things Jesus was saying and doing through his life. Its amazing!!

You might wonder why would I mention this. So recently I was reading Matthew 19:16-26 which talks about the meeting between a rich man and Jesus. It comes down to the rich man asking about what good thing he must do to go to heaven. This sentence is very significant in understanding the power money can have over our lives. The rich man probably worked hard and did a lot of things right to come to the place where he was at. He put his life into it. His understanding now became that by him doing something he will get something. So he thinks that out of his strength or might he is able to do good things and by that earn his way into heaven. So the risk of being rich is that you start thinking that your money can fix all things. That is also what the world tells us. Have a lot of money and you can get the big house so you can rest after a hard day at work, a vacation to restore your body, best health care so you never have to worry. Pretty much you are in control. But then where is the trust in, that? If we trust money to fix all our things where does Jesus and God have a place? In the Jewish bible that I got the word faith is often translated as trust. So having faith actually means to trust. When Jesus challenged the rich man to give away everything and follow him, he couldn’t do it. It would have meant to give away everything he trusts in. So it was pretty much impossible for him to go to heaven. But that is actually not just limited to very rich people, this can apply to everyone that puts there trust in money instead of God.

So When I read that story it does 2 things 2 me:

  1. It challenges me to honestly ask myself the question where is my trust in? Yes all of us would say of course it is in Jesus. But if you look a little bit deeper and honest could we all still say that?
  2. It gives me a greater compassion for people that are rich. Its easy to look up to someone rich and be jealous of what they have. But instead we should actually have compassion and a true love for them. Our lives should reflect to each of them how good God is and how much he cares for us and that it is safe to trust Him. We need to be a true friend to rich people not with an alternate motive.

Of course, the chapter doesn’t end with that hopeless verse that its pretty much impossible for a rich man to go to heaven, no that wouldn’t be Jesus. Jesus always has a solution. The story ends with this: With men its impossible but with God all things are possible!! Let us remember this!! With our God nothing is impossible!!

So ask yourself this week honestly those 3 things:

  1. Where is my trust in?
  2. Confess and repent of where you put your trust in outside of God and ask God to help you to trust him from now on in that area!
  3. Be a true friend to someone who is rich so they can see the love of God in your life and how he is trustworthy!

Hey our friend

We hope your week was amazing!! We had an awesome meeting of many ministries in the bay area. It was amazing to see how many ministries are represented outside of ywam and how many churches. We are also looking out for a new meeting spot in the neighborhood since our old one just closed last week. Please pray with us that we find the right location! Last week YWAM’s skater DTS came back from there outreach and they will be graduating this week. Pray for them and their time of transitioning out of DTS and back into their homes. It can be hard to leave a strong Christian community behind and stand on your own.

Make sure to ask yourself the 3 questions above!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

How can Jesus shine through you? Wrapup

how can jesus sthine through you wrapupSo over the last 7 weeks we talked about how important it is that people see more of how good God is through us, His Body on Earth. Today we will wrap it up with a video blog. Be inspired!

Let God speak to you about the areas you shine well and the ones you have to grow in!!

Hey our friend

cafe romaHow was your week? Ours was great! We had a neighborhood watch meeting, a YWam Community night and a brunch just to name a few of the highlights. It was wonderful. We also still feel refreshed from our time away. Also, last week was sad as well. The coffee shop we went to since the beginning of our time in North Beach Cafe Roma closed. It was a sad goodbye with many wonderful memories attached to it. We met with many people there and had a bible study and an encouragement group and wonderful friendships with the workers of the cafe. Pray with us to find a new place where we can do all those things.

Since our series came to an end today it doesn’t mean we are done with it. No now we are actually beginning! Let Jesus shine through us!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

How can Jesus shine through you? Billy Graham

Someday you will hear that Billy graham is dead. Don’t believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have just gone into the presence of god! Billy graham

how can jesus sthine through you Billy GrahamLast week Billy Graham passed away or in his words changed his address at the age of 99. I want to dedicate this video blog entry to him since he is a great example how Jesus can shine through us! Be challenged by Billy Graham and how he brought the gospel to many people and follow his example by stepping into the calling God has for you!!

Hey our friend

How was your week? Ours was awesome! We had the opportunity to visit a church in Redding together as a team. It was a very refreshing time. I was also able to connect with a friend who is working on planting another church in our area. Its amazing to see how God is working!! We feel so blessed to be part of that! Don’t forget to pray for your community and neighborhood. Let God lead you on how! It makes a huge difference for the area as well as for you!!

Remember this week!! God has a calling on your life step into it! And if you try to find it, this is the Foundation of it Matthew 28.16-20!

God bless you

Markus and Jen