Author Archives: Markus

Pelicans or better together

I hope this 2nd blog on Pelicans inspires you and you can learn from their life.

Hi our friend

What a wonderful week. Jen and I got to go on vacation to Tahoe with friends which was so much fun. How did your year start?

Don’t forget this week to find someone that might have lost the connection and start to bring that person back into the community!

Have a blessed week!!

Markus and Jen


Pelikan Formation

I hope this blog inspires you and you can learn from the life of the Pelican birds.

Hi our friend

Welcome to 2020! We hope you had a wonderful celebration! San Francisco has every year a beautiful fireworks display and it never fails to amaze!

Jen and I are excited for this new year and the things God has planned for it. Every year we pray either at the end or the beginning of the new year and ask God for words for the year. It is always exciting to look back and see how God moved. Take some time out of your week and spend some time praying for this new year!

Don’t forget this week to look at your strength and see how you can use your gift to help someone else.

Have a blessed week!!

Markus and Jen

I do trust, help my lack of trust

This is the last blog of the year 2019. As the year comes to an end its time to look forward to the new year and that is exactly what we are doing. Every year a group of different Christians that encourage to read the bible pray together and choose a verse for the year. This year’s verse is in Mark 9.24. So be inspired through the video where we will talk more about it!!

Hi our friend

We hope Christmas was a time of family, community, and reflection for you. A time to be inspired and encouraged about the love that God has for us that he sends his son into the world as a baby for his plan of redemption. What a wonderful father we have! We hope that the love of the father reflects through ours and your lives to our and your neighbors so they can find his love for themselves. We truly love all the people around us and we just want them to know more and more of the love of God because it really changed our life!

Don’t forget this week to reflect on your life and look at the areas where you have a lack of trust and ask God to increase your trust in those.

Have a blessed week and a happy new year 2020!!

Markus and Jen

Merry Christmas with the Gospels

When you open your bible to the first book in the new testament you will notice that the first thing you see is a genealogy of many different people which then lead to Joseph the husband of Marie, the mother of Jesus. This first part would speak to all who love genealogy and history but it also shows how God had a salvation plan for a really long time.

And then it goes into the story about a man that struggled because he found out his soon to be wife is pregnant but not with his child. Next we hear about the angel telling Joseph, that man, in a dream that all is good and that his wife is having the savior of the world. Which then happens a little while after in a barn, a place you would not think of for such an important man to be born.

But the story keeps going and this baby gets his first visit by shepherds (see in Luke), people that were looked down on in this time. God brought the down under first to see Jesus. But then this group of really smart and rich guys comes to visit Jesus as well in this barn and bring him valuable gifts. So God shows that he cares about all people. And that is just the beginning of the story which is followed by an escape.

To this point Jesus hasn’t done anything besides being born. Isn’t that more exciting than any blockbuster, reading about the life of Jesus and how he changed the world. When you read through the gospels the life of Jesus and also his love for us and his calling for our life becomes so much more real. When you go deeper into it you learn about all the prophetic words spoken about Jesus a long time before he lived and how they came true with him. Its amazing.

We want to encourage you to read one of the gospels during this Christmas break. Let Jesus and his life inspire you in a new way. May it bring a deeper hunger for him and his love for you as well as all his children.

Hi our friend

We want to wish you a merry and blessed Christmas. May it be a time of peace and hope for you and all the people that you are connected with. Jen and I are excited to celebrate here in San Francisco with our neighbor friends. Invite someone to your Christmas celebration even if it is last minute!

May you fall deeper in love with Jesus this season by reading more of his life and love for you!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Daily!! Fresh living water

Be inspired by this weeks blog on fresh living water!!

Hi our friend

One more week till Christmas. Are you ready to go? Have you planned out your Christmas celebration yet? Jen and I are working on details for ours this week. We are excited to celebrate again with neighbors.  Pray that the right people will come. We are also excited for the Christmas services at church and

Make sure this week to let Jesus fill you with his fresh living water and then share with others so they can get the opportunity too!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen