Author Archives: Markus

Trust grows by being fully in

A long time ago the Vikings were some of the strongest warriors around. They kept winning many battles.  When they arrived with their boats at the location, they would get off them and then burn them. You might ask yourself, why would they burn a perfectly functioning ship? Because they went into all of the situations with the faith that they would win and by burning the boats they didn’t have a way out of it.

That is true for our faith too. To grow we need to start burning “boats” things that we lean on for security outside of God. Things that hold us back from fully trusting in Him. We all have those and they are different for each one of us. But as soon as we know them and cut them out we have only one way and that is trusting God that he will show up. Lets take Moses as an example: He stood in front of the most powerful ruler of that time and was supposed to tell him to let his whole free work force go. What do you think was Moses boat that he had to burn? Probably fear. He needed God to show up or he would be in really big trouble. There would be no going back as soon as he walked into that palace. But guess what, God showed up. When we look at the man in Mark 9.24 we see that he had to give up his disappointment and get a fresh start. He had to fully trust again that Jesus would heal his son even after probably many experiences with others where his son didn’t get healed. But then what happens? Jesus heals his son and strengthens his faith.

We want to encourage you to start burning boats in your life that hold you back from fully trusting God. Spend some time praying and thinking about it and then ask God to help you in those areas of unbelieve to burn the boats and to fully trust him. It takes time, but over time your faith will grow and you will be able to take on bigger challenges for the Kingdom.

Hi our friend

First of all we hope you had an awesome week!! It’s wild to think that soon 4 months of 2020 are already over. How did God use you in those months? Ask him and let him encourage you through it!!

This week the summer arrived early in San Francisco at least for a little bit. It was so wonderful to go on a walk in the sunshine. Also this week we got to hear from Loren Cunningham the founder of YWAM at a zoom call which was an encouraging time. We had also many wonderful zoom calls with friends in the neighborhood with a drop in and our normal meetups. We could see every time how God encourages people through those little encounters. We want to encourage you to use some of this time to get Gods heart and love for your neighbors and show it to them during this time from home and after with a real connection!!

Don’t forget to pray this week and let God speak to you about your “boats” that need to be burned!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Being more like Jesus through no fear of man

Over the next few weeks we want to look at different characteristics of Jesus and how he lived his life. We want to learn from him and apply it to our life. This week its about not having fear of man!

Hi our friend

We hope you enjoy this beautiful spring time! Spring is an exciting season where we see things grow and we hope you are at a place where you can see that too. But may we all grow personally in this season too!!

Our week in San Francisco went well. We had a lot of virtual times with many different people which was awesome. We also got to make more love your neighbor from home tip videos. We hope you enjoy them and even more they inspire you to love your neighbors from home. This is a time to bring hope to neighbors and show that they are not alone and in return we won’t feel alone either. We are all in this together right now so lets make it count!!

Live this week more like Jesus by sharing the full gospel without fear of what people think.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Being more like Jesus through loving people

Over the next few weeks, we want to look at different characteristics of Jesus and how he lived his life. We want to learn from him and apply it to our life. This week it is about loving people!

Hi our friend

How was your Easter week? We hope fantastic!!

This week our focus was all Easter related. Getting little Easter gifts together for neighbors, having an Easter themed Encouragement group, a good Friday service online with 4 other churches, an Easter Brunch, an Easter prayer time with neighbors and a few other things. With all the things going on Its important to keep our focus on Jesus and the true meaning of Easter. Jesus is the reason why we are set free and have hope and that is on our heart to share that with others. He is the reason why we do what we do. We want to encourage you and us to always evaluate everything we do if the main focus of it is Jesus!!

Live this week more like Jesus by showing love to people that you see on a daily basis.

God bless you

Markus and Jen


3 Crosses

We hope that our Easter Blog encourages and challenges you!!

Hi our friend

First of all we want to wish you a blessed and happy Easter. May this be a time of stopping and reflecting on how loved you are!

Our week was a week full of virtual meetings. Meetings with our church, our encouragement group, a prayer group, a church small group, a meeting with ywam with 250 locations, a brunch and a double date with 2 friends. But you know what it worked. We all get to spend time together, just in front of screens. So I don’t know where you are at in life right now, but if you have to stay home you don’t have to stop to get together with people. We can still have community. Just do it!!

Get Gods love as a gift so you can give it away to others!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Being more like Jesus through Compassion

Over the next few weeks (with interruptions) we want to look at different characteristics of Jesus and how he lived his life. We want to learn from him and apply it to our life. This week its about compassion!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a good week despise all the stuff going on in the world!!

Our second week during shelter in place in the home went well. God gave us vision for many areas and gave us more ideas on how to love our neighbors during this challenging time. The videos on loving your neighbor from home had good responses and many felt inspired. We also started some new ways on meeting with people virtual. We had a virtual movie night and a virtual encouragement group. Its awesome that even in challenging times like this the simple command Jesus gave us to love our neighbor can still be done!! Join us in doing that and love your neighbor this week!! Follow our tips on Facebook (l-y-n) and on Instagram @loveyourneighborsf . You can also find them on YouTube under this link

Live this week more like Jesus by showing compassion to people around you.

God bless you

Markus and Jen