Author Archives: Markus

Eyes on God

Today’s blog is all about looking at what God does and not looking at the things the enemy planned. Let God inspire you through it!!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Our week in San Francisco was great since our air finally got better. We had the opportunity through that to meet up with neighbors outside while exercising and also during a little social distance picnic in the park. What a blessing.

During this week we also meet with YWAM Kona about a new Course we will run together. Its called Commission online and its all about living and sharing your faith in the places where you are and with the people you are connected to including online!! Its goal is also to help you and give you tools to grow closer to Jesus. It’s a 4 week course with a 4 hour weekly commitment which most of those you can do on your own schedule. It starts beginning of October. Jen and I will lead a small group for it. We would love to have you join!! Here is the link to it, also make sure to write ywamsf under code so you are put in the right group with us here in SF!

Jen and I are also personally doing good and enjoying this extra time we have together this year. It’s a blessing we don’t take for granted!

Also with our blog challenge, start today to switch from looking at the things the enmy does to the things God does.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Why we give all Glory to God

I’m sure most of us heard it many times to give all Glory to God, maybe in a song a sermon or from someone. But why should we do that and also how? This is what we want to look at in today’s blog! Be inspired

Hi our friend

How was your week?

This week has been a bit crazy in San Francisco. The wildfires on the west coast reached a new height and with that a lot of smoke covered most of California. On Wednesday our whole day felt like nighttime. The pictures were taken between 7.30am and 12pm and you can only partially see the orangeness of the sky. So with all that pray for the West Coast and the wildfire. We are only affected by the smoke but many others are affected with everything. Outside of that our week was good and busy. We worked on a lot of encouragement videos and scripts for love your neighbor and connected with people in our neighborhood through zoom. AS you see God can use each one of us even if the world looks different today then ever before so let him use you!!

Let God show you this week where you still have to give the glory to him in your life.

God bless you

Markus and Jen


10 year Blog anniversary

I can’t believe it has been 10 years since this blog started. That means there were about 520 blogs written or recorded, we covered many different topics. Watch our anniversary video and scroll after through some of the old blogs!

Hi our friend

Happy Labor day! How are you?

We had a wonderful week here in San Francisco. We got to go to a ywam conference with a few thousand leaders from all the Americas, and the best we only had to walk to our desk to attend. It was such an encouraging time to hear what God is doing all over, during this season of shutdowns. There is no shutdown in the Kingdom of God that is for sure. It was also so encouraging hearing the different languages spoken and translated. How wonderful will it be in heaven when we are all together as a big family. Besides that our week was good too. How was your week?

What is God calling you to do that seems like a challenge? Step into it and let him lead you!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


Sower and Seeds

I believe, help me in my unbelief Mark 9.24

This weeks topic is about our theme of the year. We use the example of the sower and seeds to understand faith a bit better/ Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

We hope your week was amazing!! How is your summer going?

This week we had a picnic in the park with a small group we are having usually at our Apartment. We planned it for a while and thought we have to cancel because of the smoke. But then it was literally one of the few days this week where we could go outside because of the smoke. Also on Sunday I go out to pray and the forecast was smoke again but then Sunday arrived and I could go on my walk without much smoke at all. God is so awesome!! Please keep praying with us against the fires that they will be fully contained. Jen and I also had a wonderful date night where we ended up cooking together which was a lot of fun. Tell us about your week!

Read the story of the sower and the seed in Luke 8 and ask God and yourself honestly where you are at in your faith, at this point in your life. Its ok not being there yet, but let him bring you to the good soil!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Being a child of God Part 7

Most of us heard it said many times that we are children of God. In the last few weeks, we looked at some character trades of children and how they are important for us in living as a child of God. We hope the series encouraged and inspired you. Today will be the last blog on this topic. Enjoy!

Hi our friend

We hope you had an awesome week!!

Our week in San Francisco was very interesting. Cause of the warm weather we had thunder and lightning last weekend which let to wildfires all around North of California. Many people were affected by it and had to be evacuated. Please pray for a quick end to the fires since they are still going strong. It didn’t affect us in the fire sense but it affected us through not being able to go outside because of a covering of smoke. With that said pray for people that have health conditions related to breathing.

Besides the fires we had a good week with all the usual things and a online meeting with all the bay area ministries and also Jen helped out at a womens online conference with participants from the whole world. Its wonderful to see how God is using this season to connect people through online ways that would otherwise never connect. Even things might be challenging in this season, keep your eyes on God and be encouraged by all the amazing things He is doing!!

Look at God and imitate what he does and let him transform you with his love!! Live your life fully as a child of your loving father!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen