Author Archives: Markus

Here is the Love your neighbor monthly tip – Pray for your neighbors

Why is it important?

When Jesus called us to love our neighbor, he gave us a task that is possible for each one of us and is also a blessing for each one of us. Many people around us might feel isolated or don’t feel a sense of belonging (maybe including us), and each one of us can bring change to that. You will see how loving your neighbor will change those things and also the relationships but also how it will give you a greater love for the people around you. It will leave a great impact and it builds a strong and lasting community for your neighbors and you as well to just name a few things. When I think back to last year and how the pandemic affected everyone around the world we saw more and more 1. the need of bringing God’s love to our local places and 2. How important it is to be connected with our neighbors. We got reminded of the call from Jesus also because our neighborhoods were the only places we could go to. So let’s all do this together starting today to take Jesus seriously and love our neighbor. We will give you a monthly tip with how to establish that relationship and love your neighbors in a practical way and then we will all put it into action with the neighbors right around us.  And then watch how over time your neighborhood will change! You, me, and all of us can do it so let’s do it!!

This month we start to pray for our neighbors! Watch the video with some tips on that!

Hi our friend

How are you?

We hope you had a wonderful week. Here in San Francisco things start to slowly open up again which is a blessing for many businesses in our neighborhood. Even so community still mostly happens through zoom. During the last week we had some wonderful times to connect with others even with neighbors that moved away quite a few years ago. Like i said before technology can be a blessing. Community doesnt have to stop it just has to look different. Join us in praying for this reeoping season and that people can connect with each other again in a safe way!

Alsodon’t forget to pray for your neighbors and add them to your Prayer list!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


A journey through the bible The Gospel of Luke

We are on the third months of our bible journey and this month we are looking at the gospel of Luke. Be encouraged and inspired!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Jen and i had a wonderful week here in SF. 2 of our neighbor friends planned a wonderful baby shower for us. We stood on our balcony and neighbors socially distanced on the street in front of the building and we got to celebrate together. It was amazing. It was so wonderful to see what a wonderful community now exists on our hill. During our week we were also able to encourage different people which is also a blessing. We want to encourage you to find 2 people this week that you will encourage!!

Also dont forget to read this week through the book of Luke and be encouraged and inspired!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Stories to think about – Moses strength together

Our story today is about Mose and how he found extra strength with the help of others. Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

How are you?

Between Prayer meetings, board meetings on top of all the usual weekly stuff it ended up being a busy week. We loved it but were both a bit surprised how quick the week went by. This season is exciting for us on so many levels. We got more and more open doors to inspire people to love their neighbors and also to guide them on the how. Then we are getting ready for our baby son who will arrive around April 3rd. With all that excitement and wonderful things happening its even more important to get Gods guidance in how to maneuver everything. Like with Mose we just have to ask for help!! Lets all learn that in this season from Moses that its ok to ask for help especially as a leader!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible Exodus or being set free

Today we want to give a little intro and overview of the book of Exodus. Be inspired and encouraged!!

Hi our friend

How was your week?

We had a wonderful week in San Francisco. Again it was full with meetings and times of connection, still through zoom. But the amazing thing was that with all the different meetings, even we were not there in Person just on a screen, we could encourage each other. If it was the twice a year YWAM Review and Eval meeting or one on one meetings all of them brought encouragement! We want to encourage you again this week to reach out to others in the ways that are possible in this season (zoom etc.) and it will be a blessing to you as well as to them!

Also let God speak to you through the book of Exodus and where he wants to set you free!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Here is the Love your neighbor monthly tip – Remember their names

Why is it important?

When Jesus called us to love our neighbor, he gave us a task that is possible for each one of us and is also a blessing for each one of us. Many people around us might feel isolated or don’t feel a sense of belonging (maybe including us), and each one of us can bring change to that. You will see how loving your neighbor will change those things and also the relationships but also how it will give you a greater love for the people around you. It will leave a great impact and it builds a strong and lasting community for your neighbors and you as well to just name a few things. When I think back to last year and how the pandemic affected everyone around the world we saw more and more 1. the need of bringing God’s love to our local places and 2. How important it is to be connected with our neighbors. We got reminded of the call from Jesus also because our neighborhoods were the only places we could go to. So let’s all do this together starting today to take Jesus seriously and love our neighbor. We will give you a monthly tip with how to establish that relationship and love your neighbors in a practical way and then we will all put it into action with the neighbors right around us.  And then watch how over time your neighborhood will change! You, me, and all of us can do it so let’s do it!!

Last month we introduced ourselves to our neighbors, this month we remember their names! Watch the video with some tips on that!

Hi our friend

How are you?

We had a wonderful week in San Francisco which was also very international. Our time sharing with a group in Germany was a lot of fun. We also got to preach through video at a church in Germany as well. And then we had our love your neighbor workshop, which went really great too. At the workshop we had participants from Germany and different parts of the US which was awesome. We are excited to hear their stories someday of how they started loving their neighbors and saw how their community changed.  Outside of that we got to connect with many people which was a blessing with a virtual dinner, a small group and an encouragement group. Meeting with each other on zoom even if it is not in person is so needed for all of us. Find this week some time to zoom with someone and also don’t forget to remember and learn the names of your neighbors!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen