Are your investments paying off?

Hello our friend

We hope you are having a wonderful start into this great week. We are enjoying our time in Germany with meeting friends, supporters, family and speaking in groups, churches and info nights. Pray for Gods encouragement for every person that comes and that we see. Thanks for all your prayers.

Are your investments paying off?

transamericaOne of my friends in the city is an investment advisor and he advises people on how to invest there money so they will do ok when they retire someday. Then they have to make choices in what to invest which can be a hard one as well. It is always smart to think ahead in that area. But nobody can guarantee you 100% for sure that your investment will actually Pay off by the time you retire since so many things affects the world economy. Those made me think of us as Christians. Where are we putting our investments? Are we investing in the Kingdom of God, means are we doing what God is calling us to do with our life, resources gifts and talents he gave us? I feel many times it is so easy to live our life thinking about what we need and what we would like to have in our life here on earth but not think about eternity. We invest our time and resources in things that will eventually go away. I think that is one of the reasons why we have so many people that commit suicide or are depressed and worried because it didn’t pay off. In the bible it talks in Matthew 6:19-21 about how we need to think about where we invest in. Jesus guarantees us that everything we invest the Kingdom of Heaven will be a good investment.

Ask yourself the question how much of your time, resources and gifting’s god gave you are you investing for your own gain and how much do you invest for the gain of Gods Kingdom here on earth? So lets all think how we can invest more of our life into the Kingdom of God. And I’m not saying with that lets all become Pastors or church leaders. Yes some of us are called to do that. But the majority of us is called, as an example to bring Gods Kingdom to people that are living around us, working with us or are doing sports with us, through our resources and giftings. Also through the way we think. If we always have Gods Kingdom in our forehead we will think about and do things that bring His Kingdom to earth.  If we have thoughts for our own good in our forehead or do things in fear, we will live life just investing in our own good and not the good for others. Switch your mindset and actions to think Gods Kingdom, through that you are investing your life into the Kingdom and through that you make investments that will pay off.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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