Are we seeing the ones unseen?

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. This week my (Markus) parents arrived for a visit. Its nice to see the family!! During the week we were able to encourage people through the different works we are doing in the neighborhood. Also our newest project is moving forward which is really exciting. Keep praying with us that God will open up the right doors for it at the right time! Thank you for your continuous support in prayer as well as financially. We would not be able to do this ministry without you on our team!!

Are we seeing the unseen?

IMG_5279I worked with YWAM for almost 10 years here in San Francisco and worked with many different people; from the poorest to the richest. But one thing is always the same, people love to be seen and being acknowledged and loved. When I walk down the street I try to always make sure to at least say hello to people and it is interesting to see their responses.  Sometimes people are saying that no one ever talked to them. I even noticed it in the area where we live. A neighbor recently made a comment that we brought people together that lived here for 25 years and never really had a conversation with each other of some depth.

When we look at Jesus he did that during his whole time of ministry. He talked to people that were never acknowledged. Think about the lady at the well (John 4) , The tax Collector (Luke 19), the prostitute (Mary Magdalene) and many more and how through Him speaking to them they found a new purpose and hope. All of them were in different parts of society like people that surround us today. But are we seeing them? Are we having Gods heart for them and true compassion or are we just walking by? What if that person is your brother or sister? I saw this video a little while ago and they did an experiment where they dressed up family members as homeless and then had there relatives walk by. In all cases the relatives ignored them because they didn’t look at them and through that know who they are. I added the video at the end of the blog.

I want to challenge you and me today to ask ourselves daily, if we walk down the street, are at work, go and see a movie etc. do we see the people the way God sees them or do I just ignore them? Ponder on this question this week.

Have a blessed week

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