Always there

When I was young I stayed a lot at my grandparents’ house. One of the things I noticed that both of them really had a big heart for people and they both were always there for people when they needed help. Many people came to the house but they always had an open door. One thing I also noticed as a young child was that every night before bedtime my grandpa would read a Psalm and then when he would wake up in the morning he would read another one. It changed his focus towards God.

Now 30 years later I am doing the same thing. Our house is always open to whoever and I am also reading the Psalms the same way he did and it brings my focus to God. Why? Because it’s such an encouraging book that gives the right focus in a poetic way. The writers wrote in a real way how they felt. Shortcomings of people, as well as triumphs and everything in between, are part of the Psalms. Nothing is left out and it always points towards god as the ultimate solution! And then people in those days started singing that truth and it started to sink in. Now thousands of years later we read through them and they are as relevant today as they were in that time. I looked at that recently in a blog about the good Shepard. It is still true that God is there and it is still true that we can be there for others.

So you might wonder why I write that. I write that because it changed me. It changed the outlook on my day and ended my day with a different outlook towards God. It changed my outlook on people and the heart I have for them since I get reminded how God is always there for me. It reminds me that no matter what I am going through, there is a God greater then all circumstances. He is as real to me today then he was thousands of years ago to David and all the other writers. Waking up with the knowledge that that loving God is always there and then falling asleep with that same knowledge is just amazing.

Reading the Psalms every day and remembering that God is always with us changed my grandpa and opened his heart towards others and it did the same to me. I want to encourage you to let it to do the same to you. Let the Psalms remind you that God is with you no matter what and then be there for others in your life! Because he truly is there, you and I truly can be there too!

Hey our friend

Remember today that you are amazing and loved because that is the truth!!

Our week was filled with a book club meeting for Jen, me mentoring a young man who became like a son, a small group at our house and then just the normal weekly stuff. So, all in all, it was a week of many people. We love it.

We want to encourage you to be inspired by the psalms and let God speak to you through them.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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