Hey our friend
We hope you had an opportunity this week to think about easter and the meaning of it. It’s a time of saying Thank you to our amazing father for choosing to save us and adopt us back into his family. It’s the ultimate proof of love. We wish you a blessed Easter time.
We also had one of our wonderful friends come and visit us on her way home. We felt so blessed to see half of the Kimm family
Adoption The Ultimate proof of Love
I have many friends who got adopted when they were little children. A couple adopted them because they choose that specific child. It is interesting, that adopted children often see themselves as second class children. I think sometimes the reason is the thinking that they are not good enough because they feel that their birth parents didn’t want them. But the truth is actually quite different. Adoption is actually a picture of true love.
Think about this: When you adopt someone you actually make a choice for that person. You are actually saying I really want this child. Often with birth parents it is not exactly like that. We hear many times about unwanted pregnancies. Another point is that parents that adopt have to go through a really long process to get the child which involves many sacrifices on their side, like time and money. But they are willing to make those because they love that child. These are just 2 points but I’m sure there are many more.
Adoption is also a beautiful picture of what God did for us. He adopted us as His children and He choose us. He made the biggest sacrifice possible this Easter weekend to adopt us back into his house by giving His son. I think this is the ultimate proof of His deep love for each one of us. He adopted us and He always believed and will always believe in us.
Even if not one Person on this planet believes in you, God does!
Remember today that you are amazingly loved.
God bless you
Markus and Jen