A New Year resolution that will change your life forever

Hey our friend

trainWe hope you had a wonderful Christmas week. We had a very international Christmas celebration at our house with people from the neighborhood. We had 2 Greek friends, 1 Iranian friend, one Chinese friend, 1 Italian friend, 1 German and 1 American. It is awesome to see how God brought the nations to us in a small neighborhood of 20.000 people. But by now we are in Pennsylvania spending some time with family and share with different  churches and friends about the work God is doing in San Francisco. Its an exciting season. Please keep us in your prayers that God gives us the right words to share and encourages and challenges people through it.

Thanks to our wonderful North Beach Staff Shane who helps us from Florida with all our webdesign we are officially launching this new and redesigned website. We believe it came out really beautiful. This new site is also mobile friendly so from now on you can read the blog a lot easier on your mobile device.

Also if you are looking for an end of the year tax write off or would like to support what God is doing in San Francisco, think about supporting us in our work here in San Francisco! You can find more info on how under this link. Thank you for all your support and for considering us.

A New Year resolution that will change your life forever

But for me it is good to be near God;… Psalm 73.28

Like every week I prayed what this weeks blog should be about and I felt God put this topic on my heart. I just finished filming this message and just uploaded it, when I realized that it actually goes exactly along with the verse that stands for the year 2014 (I don’t know if it is a common thing here in the US but in Germany they pick a verse for the year which kind of stands over the whole year).

I believe this message is significant for each one of us. Be challenged and encouraged with this Video Blog.

God bless you

Your Missionary friends

Markus and Jen

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