A new approach to Advertise

DavosHey our friend

This week we are enjoying a wonderful time with our family in Switzerland. It is so nice spending time with family and it makes it more special when you haven’t seen some of them for over 3 years. Please keep praying for the ministry in North Beach while we are gone that God keeps moving in the hearts of all our friends there!! Thank you

A new approach to Advertise

When I look at Jesus and his ministry, I see His way of reaching people was going to them. Look at the advertisement industry today and you will see the same approach. They will get their message to you through every channel they get and they also keep reinventing themselves to keep the message relevant to you. It seems the advertisement industry learned more from Jesus as we the church did. So why is our approach as a church more that people need to come to us instead of using the approach Jesus used? Or why are we still using ways that were used 100 years ago instead of learning how this new generation can be reached. I think that is one of the reasons why we have a decline in many churches today. We expect people to come to a place where they maybe don’t know anyone where everything is different to them. When we meet people where they are at we find them in a place where they are comfortable and through that feel more open to share and connect. And I don’t talk about that we have to change the gospel, because the gospel is as relevant and true as it always was, is and will be. No I’m talking about that we need to think about ways on how we can bring it to people to where they are at. In countries like china Christians are actively out there to bring the good news to others and what we see there is a growing church. We need to come back to an active response to the gospel. When we look at the parable of the lost sheep we see the approach of the shepherd and how he went out into the dark to find the lost sheep. This needs to be our approach.  Let’s be out there to bring hope to the lost. Look back at the series we wrote a few weeks ago to get some good tips on how to reach out to others and then do it. How great will it be when someday in heaven people come up to you and say, You are the reason that I’m here today. So let’s get active so we can see that happen!!
Have a blessed week
Markus and Jen

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