A journey through the bible the book of Titus

When Paul writes the letter to Titus he teaches him how to be a leader in a Church. Be inspired.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

A week with extra time for prayer is always wonderful and that’s how this last week was. Prayer walking, praying for people or different things going on in the world or praying for our neighborhood and neighbors gives us each time a greater understanding of Gods heart and love for us and others. It also connects us so much more with our father in heaven which is always amazing. Thank you also for your prayers for us,  we felt many times how the prayers of you and others for us made a difference in our life. Set a regular time in your day to connect with God through prayer! Also please email us if you have any prayer requests we can pray for you.

As we said in the video blog above spend time to read the short book of Titus and be inspired!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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