“Tomorrow is the first blank
page of a 365day book. Write a good one!” Brad Paisley
Today, or depending when you read this, we started into a New Year. A new year can also mean a new start. Last week we talked about to leave old things behind to start new. I like the quote from Brad Paisley at the beginning of the Blog, it’s a great way to live our life. I think sometimes we just live life, not thinking about the purpose and why we do what we do. We need to start asking ourselves what do we want to write in our book on a daily basis. Do we want it to say went to work, came home, worked some more, watched the news, played a video game, went to bed. Or do you want it to say spend time with God this morning and got a new perspective for the day, went to work and was able to show love to a coworker, drove home and worshipped God in the car, came home had intentional time with my family, helped my neighbor with bringing in the groceries, spend time praying for my community, read my bible together with my family and spend time in His presence together as a family and reflect on the day, went to sleep.
What do you want to be written in your book? Ask yourself that question daily. If your book would be daily like the first example I think a lot of people would put it down and get bored, but with the second option they would stay engaged. So I think in order to have a fresh start, we should have the Father involved in every part of our life. So how do you want your year/ life to look like? Its your choice!
Hey our friend
We hope you had a great week digesting all the good food from Christmas. First of all we want to wish you a blessed and happy New Year. May it be the best year so far!! We are now in Pennsylvania with our family. Please keep San Francisco in your Prayers while we are gone! Thank you for standing with us!! You are truly a blessing!
Have a great week!
Markus and Jen