Daily Archives: Monday January 14th, 2013

Hope against bullying, maybe an answer to the events of Connecticut

Hey friend

We hope you had a great week. Ours was good. We got back into the rhythm of things. We were also meeting about the new year and things ahead. Its going to be an exciting year. Today our new DTS Students are arriving. Please keep us in your prayers in this season since we got some exciting things planned with them. They will be here till the end of March!

Hope against bullying, maybe an answer to the events of Connecticut

During many years of work with youth I noticed more and more how loneliness is many times directly connected to bullying. When someone gets bullied during their time in school they either start acting out or isolating themselves. We saw many cases in the Media were students acted out and ended up shooting others in their schools. But we often don’t see anything in the media that pays attention to the majority of them which flee behind computers or other things that keep them away from the pain. During my high school time I was bullied for many years and I saw on myself that it took away hope in my life. For many years I felt hopeless and didn’t know why I’m even here. But when I became a Christian God got ahold of me and started to heal the broken parts in me and made me able to understand people that are in similar situation. Out of my own experience as well as my work with youth I know that one thing always helped, if someone cared about you or just said a nice word. That is something the person can hold on to for weeks and see hope. We all can make a difference in that area, if it is in school or at the workplace or anywhere else we get in touch with people. Watch out for people that are bullied and speak hope to them. You might be the only one that does. Be the hands and feet of Jesus to the ones that really need it. You might help to save lives.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen