Declare Truth or how spoken words have power

Hey friend

We had a great week in San Francisco. We were able to have people over for hospitality and were able to encourage them. We also host a small group at our house to help people to achieve goals that God put on there heart. Moving forward in our faith is often easier if we have others that encourage, pray with and stand with us in our growth to move forward. We want to encourage you to find a small group at your church which helps you to grow.

2014-02-16 16.29.57We also celebrated the birthday of our new Staff George and the graduation of our Fall DTS Students. They did such an amazing job with helping out in North Beach. Pray for them while they transition into a different kind of mission and that God will remind them of the tools they learned on reaching out to others to do so in there community.

Declare truth

John 1.1-3

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

A little while ago we found out that California is going through a drought season since over the last years we never had enough rain. It’s a pretty serious things since a lot of food is growing here. So a little while ago, God put on the heart of a friend of mine to read a Psalm before the offering. The Psalm didn’t fit in any way to the offering, but at the end it talks about rain and how the writer asks God for it. So God put on the heart of my friend to make a declaration for rain. The next day it started to pour down rain against all weather forecasts.

Now we can say it was just a coincidence, but I don’t believe it was. I believe that the words God put in our hearts and that we speak out have power. If you think about the bible verse above you see that everything was made by the word. God spoke things out and they happened. The Prophets spoke out things and they happened. Jesus spoke out things and they happened. They apostles spoke out things and they happened. I think you get what I’m trying to say. Just think about this: you tell yourself every day that you are useless and some people make comments in the same direction you start believing it. So your words that you speak have power to shape you negatively. The same is true if you keep speaking out the promises God gave you or speaking out the truth about yourself. Look at the ministry we are doing. For a while we didn’t see many results, but we kept speaking out the Promise God gave us and kept believing. Now we see it more and more come through.

We need to declare truth over ourselves. Declaring truth forms beliefs and beliefs start to change us.

If we have doubt, we don’t believe what god says about us, or if we have a calling and don’t believe it we have to keep declaring truth about the situation. I want to challenge you to declare truth over your life this week. Speak the truth over your circumstances. As an example you have a hard time believing that you are loveable, speak out the truth that you are Gods beloved. If you feel you are an evangelist but you are afraid of speaking, start declaring over yourselves that you are a speaker and that your words make a difference. Start this week to declare truth. God sees you so valuable and has a great plan for your life. Start believing it by declaring it daily.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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