Deal with Fear Week 8

Hey our friend

What a wonderful week seeing our faithful father at work. One friend at the coffee shop got deeper breakthrough through studying the bible on his own. It is awesome to see him get more and more revelation by reading the bible filled with the Holy Spirit. During the week we also had 2 visitors from Germany who joined us for a prayer walk in the neighborhood. It was also great to have them meet some of our friends at the weekly game night. Keep praying for more breakthroughs with all the works that are going on right now. Friday and Saturday Jen and I and 2 of our coworkers went up to Redding for a SOZO meeting with Bethel. It was a really encouraging, refreshing, new revelation and healing time. It was also really nice seeing an amazing friend of ours and spend some time with him.

Week 8 Deal with Fear

A little while ago we saw a movie with Will Smith and one of the lines in the movie was “Danger is real, but fear is a choice”. I believe there is a lot of truth to that. Fear can cripple us and take away the great things God has for us. If you just look at the example of Moses, and this is just one out of many, you see it really well. When God called him to go to Egypt his first response was that he could not do it. Why did he say that? Probably out of fear that he would not be equipped enough and also his past in Egypt (He killed the Egyptian guard before he fled). He also probably didn’t totally believe that God could protect him. So the past and wrong believes can bring fear into our lives. But if you look at the rest of the story you see how God came through and showed Moses that He is with him. He used Moses in mighty ways to show His power.

I believe that fear is also one of the main things that is holding many of us away from things in our life. Some who read this might think I can’t run a group because …. But I tell you that is not true. God placed all the tools in you to do it and he brings all the healing from your past that you might think discredits you from a good future. Others who come to the group might be afraid of what people think of them if they come and if they are accepted. And that is another reason we need to pray for them and pray against fear. Again fear is a choice, but you can choose different. Keep your eyes on God and who He is and what he has promised. You will see how fear dissolves more and more from your life and how your faith grows. Practice this week. First ask God to show you fear in your life, ask him for forgiveness for living in fear and then ask him to give you revelation and faith to break it. It is a choice you have to make on a daily base but it will help you as well as your new friends.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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