Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Redemption part 38: The Message goes everywhere

Today we talk about how the message went everywhere. Be encouraged to also take part in it!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

During our last week we had a wonderful time learning and spending time together with our YWAM Bay area family. We had a day of teaching with a wonderful couple from Chicago and then we went on a 1 night retreat together in the Redwoods where they taught us some more. It was so refreshing being together and connecting with each other on a deeper level. We love those yearly teaching and retreat time. Its so wonderful. And then on the weekend we got to celebrate the birthday of one of our friends. What a wonderful week!!

Also don’t forget to ask yourself this question from the video: Who are the people God wants me to share the good news with? Also ask God to give you courage and the right words to do that!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 37: The Message goes to Rome

Paul goes on his last and final journey, to Rome, to bring the good news and lots of things happen along the way. Read along in Acts 27-28 Be encouraged by Paul!

Hi our friend

Wow what a wonderful week we had!! It was full of times with different people which was awesome! Here are just some of those wonderful times. We had a great neighbor brunch around our table which was such a blessing. Then I (Markus) got to meet with a team coming in from So Cal to share about loving their neighbors and neighborhood which was super fun. Jen also got to spend time with different Mom friends which she loved! Relationships with different people are such a blessing, a blessing that goes both ways.  We also started to prep for another workshop coming up in August with a church in the city. We are super excited for it.

Write us how your week went!

Also don’t forget to ask yourself this question from the video: Ask God for courage to speak up in all situations without fear!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


Redemption part 36: The High society gets to hear

Today we talk about how the high society gets to hear the good news. You can read this part of the story in Acts 23.32-26.30 Be encouraged and inspired

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Our housewarming/ birthday party was amazing. We ended up having 40-60 people (we stopped counting after a while) and it sounded that everyone had a wonderful time. Pretty much every spot in the apartment was full of people and the room was filled with conversation. We had our neighbor friends, friends from church and from YWAM. The greatest thing was that people who never met each other, connected and ended up in wonderful conversations. Events don’t have to be this big for people to connect we have seen the same with brunches, game nights and dinners. But we want to encourage you to think about how you can provide a place for people to meet and build community.

Don’t forget to pray for the Leaders of our Society!!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 35: Cities and Detours

Today we talk about cities and detours. You can read this part of the story in Acts 21.26-23.31 Be encouraged and inspired

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Last Saturday we were able to be at the house of prayer. A while ago a couple felt led from God to start a prayer house in San Francisco. The prayer times are at different locations in the city like at a gym or at different churches. For the prayer times believers from different churches and ministries come together to pray for the city and spend time in Gods presence. It is so encouraging and powerful to do that together. I don’t know if you have something like this in your area but if you do we want to encourage you to go and join. If not maybe God is calling you to start something similar like that.

Also don’t forget to ask yourself those questions from the video: Is God calling you to the city to bring his love? Are we willing to lay down our own way to follow Gods way to get to the place he called us to and are we keeping our eyes on him when the enemy tries to derail us?

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Redemption part 34: The Message goes out into the world Part 3

Paul carries the message to new places and keeps teaching. Be encouraged!
Read the story about the journey in Acts 18.23-21.26

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

This week was a lot of fun since we got to spend lots of time with different people.  We had a surprise visitor from Lancaster which was wonderful and also 2 visitors from Kentucky. It was an encouraging time with both of them to chat about loving our communities and catching up on life. Our friends from Kentucky also brought us a copy of their brand-new book, its all about having a heart of hospitality. Its called “of roots and Branches: A field guide for practicing hospitality. You can find it on amazon if you are interested!

Outside of that just by being outside Jen and I were both able to connect with people. Again we want to encourage you to just walk around outside in your neighborhood and connect with neighbors it’s a lot of fun!!

Don’t forget to ask yourself those questions from the video: Ask God for the people that are forgotten in the world and ask him to send you to them! Ask God for strength to carry out your calling till the end with all sacrifices needed!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb