Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

The boot tradition

In Germany we have a boot tradition for December 6th. Today we want to talk about the man who it goes back to. Be encouraged.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving week here in San Francisco. A table is so much better when you have people around it and that is exactly what we did on Thanksgiving Day.  We hosted a traditional Thanksgiving meal and had neighbors sit together with us around our table. We had a wonderful time together and it gave everyone there a feeling of family. We are so thankful that our new apartment can host a big dining table and more important than that people that can sit around it. We want to encourage you to start thinking about Christmas and who, of the people who live around you, you want to invite to sit around your table!

And 2 more things at the end about the video: Ask yourself who has a need for help and then help them in a way that they don’t know who did it! Stand up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves.

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Thankfullness changes you

Thankfullness is really important! Be inspired by today’s video.

Hi our friend

First we want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

Last week we were homebound for quite a few days since San Francisco was hit with heavy rains. One of the days it literally never stopped raining from morning till night. But to look at the positive side of it, it opened up a door to finish up some admin work and also have extra time of prayer and worship. The extra time with God refreshed all of us. We want to encourage you to use times that look different then planned and plans that had to change to connect with God. You will be blessed!!

We want to encourage you to look daily at your life and look for things you are thankful for and then thank God for it. Over time this will bring a greater gratitude into your life.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Gospel Carriers: Johann Sebastian Bach

This week’s Gospel Carrier is Johann Sebastian Bach. He was gifted in music and used his gifting to bring Glory to God. His music still encourages and brings joy to people in today’s time. Be encouraged by this wonderful man of God.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

This week had a theme of prayer for us. Wednesday I was helping to lead a zoom prayer meeting at our church. On Saturday we had a prayer walk with YWAM across our side of the city and then Sunday I was part of a prayer team class at the church. I love the question Corrie Ten Boom asked: Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? Let’s make sure it’s our steering wheel!!

We hope you got inspired by Bach. Ask God and yourself what your gifting is. When you know, start developing your gift and start growing in it! Use the gift for building gods kingdom and his glory not your own, like Bach said “all to Gods Glory”.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Empty to truly filled

Todays person we talk about went from empty to totally filled in a very short time. Be encouraged.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

What a wonderful week we had here. First of all the weather was beautiful almost the whole week. Second I love how when you build and live community you get invited to things from friends in your community. This week we had invitations for dinner, a fundraiser and a wedding. Having community is a blessing. Think about how you can start community where you are!! If you need some tips on how, follow love your neighbor on Instagram  or Facebook

And 2 more things at the end about the video: Where do you set your hope to fill an emptiness in your life, often subconsciously? Ask Jesus to come into this place and let him truly fill you!

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Fill the table

This week it’s about a table that needs to be filled. Be challenged! P.S. the Psalm passage I was referring to is Psalm 68.6 or 7 (depending on the translation)

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

Every week I am part of a prayer meeting where we come together on zoom to pray. We pray for different needs of people like health, things related to church, for our city and the leaders and worldwide things going on. It is so important for believers to come together and pray together for things going on local as well as other places. We want to encourage you to join a local prayer meeting and pray together with fellow believers in your area!

And don’t forget to think and pray this week about who is lonely in your circle and who you can invite for the Christmas season! Make a list and then invite!!

Markus, Jen and Caleb