Category Archives: Markus and Jen News

Gospel Carriers: John Williams

This weeks Gospel Carrier is a wonderful man from England John Williams! Be encouraged and inspired by him. If you want to read more of his story the book under this link is great.

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!!

During this week we had a friend watch Caleb for a little bit so we could meet to figure out more details for the 6 week love your neighbor class which God put on our heart for a while now. Our heart with that is to walk alongside the participants for a longer season and help them to get started loving their neighbors and through that build community where they are. We will run it for the first time in this setting with a church the end of April. We are excited to see what God will do through it.

We also hope you got inspired by the video of John Williams. Ask God to show you the one or multiple people to invite to church or to share the gospel with! Ask God for ways to help the ones that came to know him how to share their new faith with their friends and others.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Heart posture

Heart posture is something really important. Be encouraged by todays blog!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!

I tell you this week I was grateful for technology and how it advanced over the last few years. I got sick this week but had still quite a few important meetings that I had to be at. I tell you zoom was wonderful!! I was able to participate in an financial advisory board meeting, a prayer meeting, a review and evaluation meeting and a Love your neighbor mentoring meeting with someone who wants to learn. The best was I could do all of them out of my warm bed. Thank you God for technology.  What is one thing you are grateful for this week?

Also don’t forget to ask God to help you to always have a teachable and humble heart. Also spend some time reading John 3 and think about it.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

Mountain Reminder

Today we are talking about mountains, but not literal ones. Be inspired!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!

Our week here in San Francisco was again full of time with different people. Many of them live right in our area, which is great and also opens doors for spontaneous conversation. These spontaneous moments often deepen friendships. Whether it’s a quick hello to someone on the way to the park or while running around the block or meeting other families and children in the park, all of this opens up opportunities for conversation. We want to encourage you to live these opportunities in your neighborhood.

Also, don’t forget to look back at your life and remember the moments where you stood in front of a big mountain and God came through.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


The Shofar, Worship and Jericho

Today we are talking about worship and how it changes things. Be encouraged! Also a correction the game was called journey to Jerusalem not Jericho!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!

Doing things as a community is wonderful. Jen and I are doing a parenting class right now with our church. In the class are parents from our church with young kids. There is a time of teaching but there is a big time of sharing and encouraging each other in moments of success as well as moments of challenge and everything in between. Doing that together helps everyone to not feel alone but supported by each other. This is also true for loving your neighbor. When you build community where you live, people including you are having others in their life they can share with and feel supported by. We want to encourage you to think about what steps you want to take today to deepen or build the community around you.

A call to action at the end of the video: Make worship an important part in your life and set time aside for it!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb


A true guide you can trust

Find out more about this guide in todays video!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!

We talked about this before but a wonderful way to connect and get to know your neighbors is through hosting a brunch. Its such a fun thing to do and doesn’t just connect neighbors to you but also to each other. We just had another one on Saturday and had so much fun with everyone. We want to encourage you to set a goal to invite your neighbors for one brunch in the next 2 months!!

Alos take this action from the video: Spend time to meditate on Psalm 23 and ask God to show you the areas where you had your trust in the wrong leader or thing.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb