Mister Rogers Neighborhood

“Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.” Mr Rogers

Recently we saw a movie called “Won’t you be my neighbor”. It is about the life of Mister Steve Rogers and about his children show that played from 1968 till 2001 called Mister Rogers Neighborhood. It was a simple show that helped children to grow up with the knowledge that they are special and loved and also to encourage them to love others. But not just the children, cast members heard from Mister Rogers, some for the first time in their lives, that they are loved. Mister Rogers studied to become a minister but then felt called to the TV world. He felt that he could use that medium to really speak into the lives of the children that watch it on how unique and special they are made by father God. During his life he helped many through his true love, through hard times and tragedies. He didn’t just talk about easy topics; no he talked about everything kids could experience. But he talked about it in a way that they could go through it hopeful. His show was very simple, but he didn’t need much since he showed people how loved they are. He was a very special and unique person. He used his gifting to live the gospel and make the words love your neighbor real. Many lives are changed because of him following his calling.

Mr Rogers was not in a traditional setting what we think of when we think of ministry, but instead he used the gifting God gave him in a unique and new way and ministered through that to many. The quote at the beginning of the blog shows really well what happens when we love people well. That is true for each one of us. Each one of us can be a light in there environment like Mr Rogers was in his. Each one of us can love the people well that we are connected to. I believe that if we live our lives that way, the words from Jesus to love our neighbor become reality and it starts to change all the places we get in touch with. So lets start today lets tell someone that they are loved.

Make sure to watch the movie while its still in theaters! I promise you will leave inspired!! Here is a link to it and I also attached the trailer.

Hey our friend

We hope that you are doing really well and enjoy the summer. Our DTS Students graduated last week. It’s always sad to see them go, but then, in the same way, it’s exciting to see where God is leading them. Please pray for them in this transition season from DTS to whatever is next. We also had our encouragement group and a few other things going on which was a blessing. We both just love that God created such a wonderful community in our area through loving our neighbors. Its wonderful!

Remember this week through Mister Rogers that God can use your giftings in a new and unconventional way!

God bless you

Markus and Jen



Always there

When I was young I stayed a lot at my grandparents’ house. One of the things I noticed that both of them really had a big heart for people and they both were always there for people when they needed help. Many people came to the house but they always had an open door. One thing I also noticed as a young child was that every night before bedtime my grandpa would read a Psalm and then when he would wake up in the morning he would read another one. It changed his focus towards God.

Now 30 years later I am doing the same thing. Our house is always open to whoever and I am also reading the Psalms the same way he did and it brings my focus to God. Why? Because it’s such an encouraging book that gives the right focus in a poetic way. The writers wrote in a real way how they felt. Shortcomings of people, as well as triumphs and everything in between, are part of the Psalms. Nothing is left out and it always points towards god as the ultimate solution! And then people in those days started singing that truth and it started to sink in. Now thousands of years later we read through them and they are as relevant today as they were in that time. I looked at that recently in a blog about the good Shepard. It is still true that God is there and it is still true that we can be there for others.

So you might wonder why I write that. I write that because it changed me. It changed the outlook on my day and ended my day with a different outlook towards God. It changed my outlook on people and the heart I have for them since I get reminded how God is always there for me. It reminds me that no matter what I am going through, there is a God greater then all circumstances. He is as real to me today then he was thousands of years ago to David and all the other writers. Waking up with the knowledge that that loving God is always there and then falling asleep with that same knowledge is just amazing.

Reading the Psalms every day and remembering that God is always with us changed my grandpa and opened his heart towards others and it did the same to me. I want to encourage you to let it to do the same to you. Let the Psalms remind you that God is with you no matter what and then be there for others in your life! Because he truly is there, you and I truly can be there too!

Hey our friend

Remember today that you are amazing and loved because that is the truth!!

Our week was filled with a book club meeting for Jen, me mentoring a young man who became like a son, a small group at our house and then just the normal weekly stuff. So, all in all, it was a week of many people. We love it.

We want to encourage you to be inspired by the psalms and let God speak to you through them.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Money or the power of Contentment

Money is a huge topic and its not often heard in the context of contentment. But we want to talk about it so you do!! Check out our video blog!

Hey our friend

How was your week? Was it a week were you felt encouraged by father God in your times with him? We for sure did even if it was a really hard week! We meet with the summer Students from the Mission Adventure Program and shared about how they can love their neighbor in their everyday life. We are excited to see how God will use them to show his love. In this last season we heard back from different people and how they used what they learned through being part of the love your neighbor work in there own places and countries. Its exciting to see how God is moving through loving our neighbors!!

I (Markus) also was part of the board meeting at YWAM and its great to see how God uses the gifting’s of people in the area of finances. We want to encourage you today to use the gifts God has given you to bring people closer to him. As an example if you are good in finances help mentor maybe some people in that area and help them to succeed. God wants to use practical ways to show everyone his love for them!!

Jen and I had a hard week here and we would appreciate your prayers.But like i said even in hard times God encourages us through community.

We want to encourage you this week to look at Joseph and how God took care of him. As he took care of him and blessed him he also wants to bless you!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Does our faith affect every part of our life?

Faith in every life areaThis weeks blog is a video blog looking how faith needs to affect every part of our life. Be inspired and challenged!





Hey our friend

We pray that this week was a week of breakthrough for you in your relationship with father god!! At the end of our writing trip we were able to see old ywam friends in Madison and Iowa which was a huge blessing. We don’t see each other very often but when we do it feels like old times! We got back to San Francisco on Saturday and are getting back into the swing of things. Pray with us for a good start!

Reflect this week on how your faith can affect the parts of your life which it doesn’t yet!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Prayer as the foundation

prayer as the foundationIn January 2007 we started with 60 days of Prayer. We had many people on our email list that joined us for 60 days in praying for something that was at this point only a word from God. Now since then many of the prayers became reality and a community was created. A place where we found amazing friends and were we became friends to many others. We learned an old forgotten way of loving our neighbors and neighborhood and with that inspired many others all over the country and world to do the same. But the foundation for all of that to happen was prayer.

David spent time with God in prayer long before he became King. Before Jesus started doing anything he went into the desert to spend time with his father in Prayer. Before he went to the cross he spent time in Prayer to be ready for what was ahead of him. So again the foundation needs to be prayer so we have Gods heart for things.

So you see how important it is to lay a foundation of prayer for all things we do in life. So whatever your plans might be, step into it with the heart of God and listen to what He has to say. Involve others to pray with you. And then wait on God in those times. You might be praying for something that might happen far in the future, so be patient. Know that God will come through!

Hey our friend

We hope your week was awesome!! We are gone for a writing Trip and are working on the book. Please pray for us for wisdom and the right words. Also pray for our beautiful city that many people will be encouraged through lovers of Jesus.

Remember this week to start laying a foundation of Prayer.

God bless you

Markus and Jen