Author Archives: Markus

Love your neighbor Part 17 Help to see Purpose

love your neighbor part 17In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

A few weeks ago I read this statement on the Facebook of a friend of mine:

“In one year I did USA for Africa, I played the Olympics, I won a Grammy and all together I played for over a billion and a half people. Finally, after all these years, I had reached the top of the mountain. And you know what’s at the top? Nothing. All you had were the experiences it took to get there. There’s nothing at the top.” -Lionel Richie

How many people in today’s times feel that way? Running through life to chase money or a dream and then realize when they reach it that there was nothing. What about us? Are we living in the purpose God called us to? What do you want to leave behind when you die someday? What are you passionate about?

These are questions all of us should ask ourselves. What about you explore them together with your neighbors and friends! What about if you start helping each other to figure out those questions! I promise you doing that in community is harder, but in the same way more fruitful.

So when we explore those things together we grow closer together in our friendship and we also can help supporting each other to get to that place. When we see clearer on what we are called to do, we open the opportunity to see more about a Father who has a purpose for our life. We are able to keep inspiring each other. It could start really simple in a conversation over coffee.

  1. Have a coffee with one of your neighbors and share with them about your idea.
  2. If interest is there start talking and meet up more regularly about it.

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. We had a goodbye dinner for a couple that worked with us. Please keep them in your Prayers when they move back home to see clearer on what their next steps are. Please also keep praying for the YWAM San Francisco building Fundraiser November 7th. Loren Cunningham the founder of YWAM will be speaking and sharing that night. Pray for a good attendance and for the right people to come.

First of all thank you to all who support us in our work here through Prayer and finances! You are a huge blessing to us! May god bless you richly!

Here a request! To do the work we are doing we depend 100% on support. Over the last few months we lost about $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in peoples lives. So at this point we need about $1560 more in monthly support to be fully funded. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Start living your life to thrive and not just to survive!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your neighbor Part 16 Love Unconditional

love your neighbor part 16In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

Last week we were writing about how in order to have healthy relationships, we can’t hold a grudge. But to go even a step further in that, we need to love unconditionally. Let me give you an example: If you do something for a neighbor, don’t expect anything in return. If a neighbor has a bad attitude against you, instead of having a bad attitude back to them, keep loving on them.

When you look at the life of Jesus, you see many times how he loved people with an unconditional love. Imagine Judas, this man was about to betray him and Jesus knew it, but he still treated him like all his other disciples. So how can we do that?

Start with what we were talking about last week, never hold a grudge. When you get into situations think first before you react. React out of love instead the emotion of the moment.

Unconditional means not putting conditions on loving people.

So lets show even more love to neighbors and people in our life.

  1. Start assessing areas where you had a hard time loving.
  2. Ask God to give you love especially for those areas
  3. Go the extra mile, by loving people well. Like Jesus said if someone forces you to walk one mile, walk two with them! (Matthew5.41)

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. A few weeks ago I (Markus) was asked to join the financial oversight team for YWAM San Francisco. Helping out in that means to go to 3 board meetings a year and read from time to time through financial reports and voice any concern. Pray for wisdom and understanding for me in this new responsibility.

All the work in the neighborhood is going well as well. Join us in praying for every person in that area to experience the love of God in such a real way.

First of all thank you to all who support us in our work here! You are a huge blessing to us! May god bless you richly!

Here a request! To do the work we are doing we depend 100% on support. Over the last few months we lost about $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in peoples lives. So at this point we need about $1560 more in monthly support to be fully funded. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Love this week nieghbors like never before!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

P.s. A few years ago I made a video on how to love people better. Maybe it can give you some helpful tips!

Love your neighbor Part 15 Don’t hold a grudge

love your neighbor part 15In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

One of the last things Jesus did on the cross was forgiving the people that put him there. It is very interesting to think that Jesus put such a value on demonstrating the need of not holding a grudge. And when you think about it you realize that whatever anyone did to you, it probably doesn’t come close to this moment in Luke 23.34.

But why did Jesus focus so much on this Point? If you want relationships and friendships to work, you can’t hold things against each other. It is important to let go of things. If you always have in the back of your head the comment that was made about how your house is not as clean or your garden isn’t weeded well enough, you will not be able to go deeper in relationship. The most loving thing to you and your neighbor at this point is to forgive and move forward. Relationships can bring up things that are hurtful, and that is also true for relationships with neighbors.

Also remember, sometimes you have to forgive a lot till you see change. Jesus said to forgive 7 times 70 (Matthew 18.22). That pretty much means always!

To have true relationship we can’t keep holding a grudge!

  1. Ask God what grudges you are holding against neighbors or people in your life!
  2. Forgive them for that and have a new beginning.
  3. See how your relationship and the way you see that person will improve!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. Last week we were teaching our students and a friend from our church here on how to love the neighborhood they are living in and to bring hope through the gospel. Pray that God will use the teaching to let it go deeper into their hearts so they start doing it.

Jen and I also had a wonderful week together as well. We started to study the bible specifically on the life of Jesus together to learn new things about him. It will be a wonderful time!

First of all thank you to all who support us in our work here! You are a huge blessing to us! May god bless you richly!

Here a request! Over the last few months we lost about $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in peoples lives. So at this point we need about $1560 more in monthly support to be fully funded. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Remember this week to forgive people that you hold a grudge against!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

P.s. We just wanted to share this beautiful song with you! Enjoy

Love your neighbor Part 14 Be Interdependent 2

love your neighbor part 14In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

In the second week of our series I touched a little bit on that topic, but today I want to go a little bit deeper into it because it is such a key!

One of the values of America is independence. But is that always a good thing? When we are too independent we end up separating ourselves from others. We miss the opportunity for relationship. I think a better way to live would be to be more interdependent. Being interdependent opens the door for vulnerability. It says I can’t or don’t have it all and I need you.

How could that look like? Here an example:  If a neighbor has all the tools you can go over and borrow the tool you need from him. But then the other way around if your neighbor doesn’t know how to use some of his tools you can help him out in either way doing the task for him, or teaching him how to use it. That is easy to do, but it takes a step in saying I need you. When you take those steps it opens the door for a deeper relationship. But you also have to be careful how you approach things like that. Don’t go over and show off in how amazing you are by having all those tools or in how you know how to use them all. No those things have to come out of humility.

The step of saying I need you is a step of saying I invite you more into my life.

  1. Are you ready to take that step with your neighbors?
  2. Are you ready to be open and show your needs but also give the things you have?
  3. Go for it!

Hey our friend

Marine Headlands HikeWe hope you had a fantastic week. Jen and I were able to spend a day hiking which was amazing. Every Sunday a city bus is heading towards Marine Headlands, an area across the Golden gate bridge which is all nature. The funny thing that happened was that we brought the bus fare for the way there, but we left one of our wallets at home which had the fare for the way back. So what did we do? We hiked about 12 miles back into the city across the Golden Gate bridge. It was a wonderful time.

We also had another wonderful neighbor brunch and a game night at our house. A lot of people came, which some of them we haven’t seen for a long time. It was really good to reconnect. Our DTS Students are doing well as well which is awesome to see. Please keep them in your prayers!

First of all Thank you to all who support us in our work here! You are a huge blessing to us! May god bless you richly!

But here a request! Over the last few months we lost about $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in peoples lives. So at this point we need about $1560 more in monthly support to be fully funded. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Remember this week to take a step into being more vulnerable and open. It will change your life!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Love your neighbor Part 13 Be a hope Giver

love your neighbor part 13In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

About 1.5 years ago we started an Encouragement Group at our local Coffee Shop. The purpose of the group is to encourage people and bring hope. Its been amazing to see what it does to all the people in the group including us. We normally start with a time of sharing how our week went and then we go into a time about sharing some things that encouraged us during this week and brought us hope. At the end people can ask for encouragement. It totally changes the outlook on life when you have someone speak hope into your life.

I also saw that a lot at the place where we live. Encouraging a neighbor in their dreams and speaking hope into them changes perspective. When you look at things from a perspective of hope you are more likely not giving up. When you look at things from despair, chances you give up are very high.

So how can you do it? When someone shares something with you that is not hope giving share something that’s opposite. Give Father God’s perspective on things. Example: “I saw in the news today that the economy is struggling again. I might lose my job.” Instead of agreeing share about new jobs being created every day and how God kept that person for a long time in that job even in hard times. Walk them through a time of seeing truth again. Help them to get a switch of perspective by looking at things from an angle of hope. Hope is something that is really needed in todays time.

  1. Start listening to what you say and see if you look at things with hope or despair.
    1. If you look at things with despair, ask God to help you change your perspective and look at things with hope.
    2. Ask God daily for an opportunity to speak hope into a neighbor or someone else’s life. Do this till it becomes a normal thing that you just do automatically.

Hey our friend

We had a great week here in San Francisco. We hope yours was wonderful too. After the Block Party things slowed down a little bit which was really nice. We went to a thank you dinner from the Italian community center and spoke at a school that empowers people to bring Jesus into their workplace. We also had friends visiting from Germany which was amazing!! We had a really good time showing them around San Francisco. Its always so nice to see friends from our home places.

Our DTS students also started well in North beach. Keep praying for them and all the work that is going on here. Thanks for all your prayers!

Over the last few month we lost $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in peoples lives. So at this point we need about $1560 more in monthly support. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Walk through this week as someone that brings hope to neighbors and people in your life!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen