Author Archives: Markus

Do you know your family history?

family historyWhen you read the book of Matthew you notice how it starts off with mentioning the ancestry of Jesus. Why does the bible put such a value on the past? I believe for once it is to remember that we are a piece in a bigger picture, but second it is even more important to know our past when we walk into the future.

When I look at my wife and her history I can see why she has such a heart for missions. Growing up, her dad had a huge heart for missions. He was a big networker and helped to start mission trips into Jamaica. By doing that he helped local Pastors in Jamaica to start churches. Also while Jen was there a Pastor prophesied over her that she will be a missionary someday, which you can see is very true today J. He also started the concept of small groups in his church. In his time small groups didn’t exist. He also had a huge heart in bringing the gospel to people that left the Amish. He could do that because he understood where they came from since he was at one point Amish.

Now look at my family. Growing up I stayed with my grandparents a lot since both of my parents had to work to pay the bills. So I grew up seeing the love my grandparents had for God daily. But that love was not just hidden in there house, no it was showing daily when they connected with people. My grandpa was very involved in the church and helped to build a new building. When he was younger he was involved in youth ministry. I remember many years ago my car had some issues and my grandpa told me to go to a certain car shop in his town. When I mentioned my grandpa to the owner he was so excited and told me how my grandpa let his youth group many years ago and left a huge impact in his life. My grandpa always had a huge heart for people and always tried to encourage them and point them towards Jesus. He did it in practical ways by fixing stuff for them or just by having them over to his house for coffee or food.

Now forward to today. When you look at the ministry my wife and I are doing you can see in some way how God already started shaping it in the past. He put both of our heritages together and combined them to create something new to bring His love to people.

I want to challenge you with this to look into where you came from to get a better understanding and clarity on where you are going. Look at your families’ heritage. It will help you to understand yourself better. And if it was a bad history, it doesn’t mean you have to go the same direction. Look at different kings in the bible and how some of them were really bad but then there sons who became kings after them changed that and lived totally for god’s glory. Remember Jeremiah 29.11!!

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope it was a good one. Jen and I were able to spend some time with friends. It was wonderful. We also were able to support friends from the neighborhood by going to their concert and let us tell you it was amazing!! When you do things like that you also show your friends how you appreciate them.

God is so amazing, this year our cost went up with increase in rent, health insurance and other living costs in San Francisco, but since the beginning of the year we have already seen a big increase in monthly support. Right now we are still in need of $1.300 to cover our total monthly cost. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. If you are not, but you would like to join our financial support team, find out more by clicking on this link. Thank you for considering us.

Remember this week to find out more about your family history!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

What’s on your mind

whats on your mindA while ago Jen and I had a so called Amish Day. On a weekend day we would not use any electricity, phones or computers. All we would do is read books, play board games, spend time with God and each other. It was an amazing thing to do, since it really helped to get our minds to slow down and focus on what really matters. In a world full of information it is so easy to fill our minds with stuff. And it can be so easy to be overwhelmed. It can also be really easy to put all our focus on something and while doing that loosing what really matters our focus on the father. The something can really be anything even something good. I was reading the book Is that really you God with the story of YWAM and how it started and one of the stories they were sharing was a story of a ship. God told them to buy a ship and they all moved forward in that. But then the focus changed, and instead of God the ship was the main thing on their mind. Eventually they lost the ship, but through losing it they learned a valuable lesson which is still today one of the keys in YWAM: Keep your focus on God.  

The question is what is on our mind? What are we focusing our thoughts on? Are we worried about the future that is predicted in the media or are we focused on our father who is with us all the time?

When we thought through those questions let’s ask ourselves how we can change our focus and the things we think about. Maybe its by more selective reading or watching of media. One thing that helps for sure is to always stay connected with God. It might be a little prayer every hour in our day and a good quiet time with Him. Maybe its done through a regular reading of the bible. There are many ways to do that, ask God which one is the right one for you!

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope it was a good one. Jen and I were doing a lot of work in the neighborhood. We connected with lots of new and old friends from the community. We also had our first class with the students on neighborhoods. It was great. We love how God gives people a heart for community and how he always shows us again and again the need for it. Remember to create community wherever you go!

God is so amazing, this year our cost went up with increase in rent, health insurance and other living costs in San Francisco, but since the beginning of the year we have already seen a big increase in monthly support. Right now we are still in need of $1.300 to cover our total monthly cost. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. If you are not, but you would like to join our financial support team, find out more by clicking on this link. Thank you for considering us.

Remember this week to keep God the main focus in your mind!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

A well, a lady, Jesus and a Solution

A wellMany times I read the story of the Lady at the well in John 4. I love how Jesus brought change to that lady. He did everything needed to get her attention and to help her find freedom.

The first thing he does he talks to her. Jesus broke the boundary of talking to a woman and then also a Samaritan one. Both of them were looked down on in that society Jesus lived in, a Jew would never talk to a Samaritan and especially if she was a woman. But Jesus didn’t care about culture, he cared about the person.
Second he talks to her about a solution, a way to freedom. He tells her about the living water He has that can set her free from a inner thirst for more. Jesus is first giving a solution before he addresses the problem.
Third he calls out her problem. Jesus talks to her about her husbands. From the beginning to the end of that conversation Jesus always showed love but also addressed the area in her life that has to be dealt with
Fourth He reveals himself. Jesus tells the lady that he is the Savior she is waiting for. That causes the lady to run back to the town, share her testimony about Jesus and cause through that an excitement in the town that the whole town came along. That day salvation started for many people in that region. And why? Because Jesus put value on one person that nobody valued.

So when we look at that story we see how Jesus brought people into the Kingdom. It was mainly through love and caring for someone in a powerful way. He didn’t judge, but shared the truth. He didn’t create fear, but instead gave a solution. He didn’t care about his status, instead he choose to love no matter what.

I want to encourage each one of us to share the good news about Jesus with people but to do it in a way that people can understand and also see that he is really the best thing that can happen to them!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Jen and I both got better from a pretty bad cold we caught. We also had a meeting with all the bay area works. It was good to see everyone and hear what God has been doing in all the different places. Our DTS Students are doing well in North beach and have a wonderful time at the boys and girls club. Keep praying for them to be able to encourage many of the kids at the Club!

Lets ask God this week to open the door for us to share the good news with someone in our lives!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Fear loses power when hope arrives

Fear losesReading the news for the first few weeks of 2016 can shake you up big time. We can read about the financial world and the drops in the stock markets. We read about North Korea and how they did a new bomb test. We read about terrorism and how it could hit us in everyday life. But what does all that do to us? It creates fear and worry. But fear and worry is the main thing that keeps people away from hope.

But what is our job as Christians in that? We are the ones that need to bring hope into a world run by fear! When I talk to people and topics from the news are brought up, I listen for a while, but then I normally share about the good things that are happening in the world. Most of the time people leave more hopeful with less fear then when they came. I remember years ago we went to a poetry reading and most of the poetry was really dark and depressing. So one week I had my students share some of their poetry which was all about hope. It was amazing to see the difference in the faces of people. People that looked almost depressed had later on that glimpse of hope in their eyes. But not enough right after they shared someone shared some of the darkest stuff I ever heard and that glimpse of hope from people’s faces left. The night was almost over but some of my students were promised to share so the coffee shop owner insisted that they would be allowed to do that even the night was already at the end. All people stayed and listened while one of the students read a paraphrased Psalm all about hope and then another student sang the song amazing grace acapella. After the students finished I looked at the faces in the room and every single person looked hopeful some with tears in their eyes! Christ is the author of hope and the destroyer of fear and what he brought to this world to every person is a message of hope. Whoever believes in me shall not perish but have eternal life. If that is not hopeful I don’t know what would!

So this is a call for each one of us. We have the message and power to bring hope into a hopeless world. Lets pray about ways how to do that. Maybe through a conversation at the office that goes from instead of speaking negative about something to sharing about something that God was doing the world recently. Or even better sharing about something God was doing in our personal life. Or it might start in the evening with a conversation to a neighbor when we get home. There are many ways to live our faith and being carriers of hope. Let us all step into the one where we have influence in!

Hey our friend

Wow what a week. I Markus got hit with a bad cold and fever which kept me grounded for almost a week. But when I got sick it also made me thankful. I realized that it has been 1 year since a cold strapped me to the bed. Thank you God for that!! Jen went to the welcome dinner for the students and was able to meet all of them. This week they will start working in the neighborhood. Pray that God will give each of them a passion for building community wherever they go!

Also another praise report!! During the last week God brought in 400 more dollars of monthly support so we are now only in need of $1.300 more on a monthly base!! Praise God. Thank you to all of you that are already part of our team!! If you or someone you know are not but would like to, click on this link to find out more how to do that. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Have a blessed week and remember to go after fear by spreading hope!

Markus and Jen

The Power of Worship

The Power of WorshipGrowing up I heard many times said that Satan was the Angel that was in charge of Worship. When you look at the bible you find a verse in Ezekiel 28.13 that talks about it, but it is not super clear. So true or not that he was the worship leader in heaven, think about it, why do so often things come up when we try to worship God? They come up, because it will keep our focus away from the one our life is really about. The one that has all the answers, the one who wants good things for us. When we worship, our focus moves away from us and instead focuses on our loving father who knows who we truly are. Satan is trying to keep us away from that since it would mean more trouble for him. Imagine, any Christian on this planet truly knows the love the father has for them, how would Satan keep intimidating them?

We want to encourage you to start this week of making worship an essential part of your life. May it be in the car, your bedroom or wherever you feel comfortable! We promise you, you will not regret it!!

 Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Here in San Francisco we are having lots of rain in this season which is really helping with the drought that is going on here for years. Sometimes it can be easy to complain about something like rain because it hinders us in the moment, but then forget that we need the water in our everyday life. Thank you God for providing rain!

Please join us this week in Prayer for our new students that arrive. Pray that they will get a clearer picture of what God calls them to do with there lives.

We wish you a blessed week and a great time in Worship!!

Markus and Jen