Author Archives: Markus

What is your expectation?

What is your expectationNext Sunday is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey while being celebrated by many. They ripped down pieces of palm trees to cover the streets to make it even more triumphal. But shortly after that probably the same people screamed out loud to have Jesus crucified. Why? Because He didn’t fulfill the expectations they had on him. Their idea was to have a life of freedom from the romans through his Kingship. But God had a way greater plan, eternal freedom. But if you are in a hard season in life like the people in that time, it is sometimes really hard to look at the bigger picture and its easy to be moved by circumstances.

But how can we change that? We need to keep looking at God and stay in close relationship with Him. Jesus said it himself I only do the things that I see the father doing (John 5.19). But the only way to do that is a daily connection with the Father.

Let us ask ourselves those questions.

  1. What are things we are expecting of God?
  2. What are things that didn’t come through the way we planned it? Did we ask God why?
  3. Did we ask Him about the bigger picture?

It is important to ask those questions and to know what we stand for. If we don’t, it can be really easy to sway us away. Let’s not lose our focus on the things that really matter!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a  great week. We had a great German night, a wonderful game night, a celebration for 2 years encouragement group, a big fundraiser and a North Beach Team Staff Day. It was an eventful week, but amazing. Only 2 more weeks till Easter and we are making plans to celebrate it with our friends from our building. Maybe invite some friends over to your house for your Easter Celebration.

Would you like to partner with us in a financial way? Right now we are in need of $1.300 more on a monthly base to cover all our cost. Pray about joining our team in this way! You can do it with any amount you would like. Find out more on how by clicking on this link. If you personally cant join us in this way could you share it with family and friends who might be interested in joining. Thank you for your help. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. You are a true blessing!

Refocus this week and make sure to keep your eyes on the bigger picture!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Loving creatively

love creativlelyI recorded a video blog a few weeks ago which is a great follow up to last weeks blog on deeply unconditional loved. It’s about how we can love others in a creative way so they are able to receive it.

2 Action Steps:

  1. Ask God to point out 2 or 3 people you know to love on this week. Ask God how you can show them love in a way that they can receive it
  2. Go and do what God told you to do with those specific people!

Hey our friend

Dinner with friendsIf you have a busy week it goes by so fast. We had an Evaluation Meeting for all the YWAM ministries, a dinner with YWAM friends who came to visit and 1 who is leaving, a movie night and a brunch at our house with many friends from the neighborhood, a teaching time with the DTS students and all the usual things we are doing. It is so wonderful to see how through all those things more and more people connect with each other and more and more community starts to exist.

Would you like to partner with us in a financial way? Right now we are in need of $1.300 more on a monthly base to cover all our cost. Pray about joining our team in this way! You can do it with any amount you would like. Find out more on how by clicking on this link. If you personally cant join us in this way could you share it with family and friends who might be interested in joining. Thank you for your help. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. You are a true blessing!

Remember this week to love 2 or 3 people in a way in which they can receive it.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Deeply unconditionally loved

God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.   Brennan Manning

Deeply lovedAt the beginning of last week I caught food poisoning and was trapped in bed for 2 days.  So what do you do if you cant do much, you start reading the books that you planned to read for a long time. One of the books that a friend recommended me a long time ago was the book All is Grace which is a biography of the life of Brennan Manning. When I started reading it, I had a hard time to put it back down. The book shares a life of struggle and hardship in the most real way I probably ever read a Christian book. It made me interested in hearing him. And I found a sermon he gave on YouTube. One of the things he said was the quote from the top about love. I heard so many times said that god loves us, but with hearing him say it in that way it spoke to my heart deeper than ever before.  It made me cry because I was so overwhelmed with his deep love.

God loves us no matter which part of life we are in. If we just made the biggest mistake, or if we just had the greatest breakthrough in our faith, He loves us. And he does not love us because we have it all together and we are perfect, no he loves us just because he does. The difference in those lines is that they don’t create shame in you, instead they encourage you to become a better person because out of that true love the father has for you. But you can be secure that you are loved even if you don’t become a better person right away. Some of us might think now, so what, this encourages us to stay where we are at and not move away from our failure. I actually believe it does the total opposite. If you are excited about a marathon and your biggest supporter your spouse stands right there at the track and cheers you up, you are more likely pulling out those last pieces of strength to win, but you also know even if you lose its not a big deal since your spouse still loves you. On the opposite if you run the race and you are at the last part and you have a spouse that tells you if you don’t win you are such a failure, you might also pull out your last strength. But why? You just do it to prove you are not a failure and you are worthy to be loved. But that is not the love the father showed and Paul described in Romans 5.8. Christ died for us while we were still sinners.

I want to encourage you to ponder on this for you personally. And be real with yourself. I feel God really wants to speak to many of us through that. And the great thing with that is, when we know his love in that way we will have also more love and grace for others in our life. Maybe watch the video sermon I added at the end of this blog or the short version of his sermon from the movie Ragamuffin. May it speak deep to your heart and bring you to a new level in your relationship with the father!

Hey our friend

We hope you had an outstanding week. Last Wednesday we had the graduation for our Fall DTS Students. All of them made such a huge impact in North Beach through their Prayer walks as well as through serving at the boys and girls club. Pray that God will guide them in this coming season to use the gifting’s he has given them to bring change to wherever they go. But also pray that they will grow even closer to Him then they have been in the last few months.

Fall 2015 DTSGod is so amazing, this year our cost went up with increase in rent, health insurance and other living costs in San Francisco, but since the beginning of the year we have already seen a big increase in monthly support. Right now we are still in need of $1.300 to cover our total monthly cost. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. If you are not, but you would like to join our financial support team, find out more by clicking on this link. Thank you for considering us.

Know this week that you are deeply loved.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

The power of testimony

The power of testimonyI will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.
I will be filled with joy because of you.
I will sing praises to your name Most High.

Psalm 9.1-2

When I was praying about what to write in this weeks blog, God pointed me to the first 2 verses of Psalm 9. These are some things that stuck out to me.

David talks about how he will tell of the marvelous things God has done. Despite the hard circumstances he wrote the Psalm in, he chooses to look at all the good God has done in his life and through writing the Psalm sharing it with many others. In a way he encourages us to remember and speak about the goodness of God to others even if we go through a hard time. He also encourages us to praise God and worship Him even if we don’t feel like it. Why would he say that? I think he says it because he knows that when we take our focus off our problems and praise the one that has all the solutions our perspective shifts. And we can see that in verse 2. He is talking about that he will be filled with joy because of God. Now remember his circumstance: He committed adultery and cause of that the son that was born out of that situation died. David just lost a child. Every person that I know that lost a child, said that it was the hardest thing they ever had to go through in their life. So you see it was not something easy that you could just forget.  But David knew to get out of this hard time, he had to look at Father God and remember that He is with him.

I want to encourage all of us this week to share some of the great things God has done in our lives with people around us. Share about hard seasons, in which He has walked you through. It will open the door for greater encouragement and also hope for the people you share with as well as bringing a greater level of hope to yourself. Every person on this planet is in need of a father who is with them!

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope amazing. 2 of the highlights of our week was the game night at our house and Jens cousin coming for a visit. It was wonderful to see people come together and play games and just connect with each other. It was wonderful. When you create a space for community and invite people into it, it will happen. We see that at everything we are doing.

God is so amazing, this year our cost went up with increase in rent, health insurance and other living costs in San Francisco, but since the beginning of the year we have already seen a big increase in monthly support. Right now we are still in need of $1.300 to cover our total monthly cost. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. If you are not, but you would like to join our financial support team, find out more by clicking on this link. Thank you for considering us.

Share your God story with someone in your life.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Do you know the history of your town?

Do you know the history of your town

Last week we wrote about the importance of knowing the history of your family and how it can help you to move forward in your own life. This week we are writing about the importance of knowing the history of your area.

Let me illustrate it with a little piece of the history of our neighborhood. Years ago before we started doing anything in North Beach I learned a lot about the neighborhoods history. The neighborhood we live in has a rich Italian history. Many of the homes, stores and restaurants used to be owned by Italians in the neighborhood. Along with them came the culture of family but also a catholic Christian faith background. People helped each other out and were part in each other’s life, just like families do. So at one point an Italian man started the bank of Italy which was a bank for the working class of North Beach. It helped people to be able to afford homes that normally would not be able to (sometimes I wonder if the story of the movie it’s a wonderful life is in some ways based on this bank). The bank helped after the earthquake right away with loans so the rebuild of the city could start. So again the heritage of our neighborhood came to life through that bank by helping the people that lived here like a family. That bank later on merged with another bank (Bank of America) which became one of the largest banks in the world and still helps the working class with money for mortgages.

So this was just one example of a history our neighborhood carries. Many times when we find those things we can see more of how God intended a place to be. When you research the history you will understand your town so much better and again you will be able to make a greater impact in everything you do.

  1. Go to a library and find books about your town. Also research on the internet.
  2. Talk to older people from the area you live in and hear what they remember about the history of the town.
  3. Gather your information and see what common themes you see.
  4. Now start praying into it and ask God what your role is in this town.

Hey our friend

A week without community is a lost week. During the last week we saw again how much each of us needs community and people around them. During the different times we have people together at our house you can always see each one of them leaving refreshed but also we feel encouraged through there friendships. No matter if we meet up with people one on one or if it was times in groups both of them give so much life. Most of what we do is creating community wherever we go and showing through true relationship how the love of God transformed us. It might be through a game night, a brunch an encouragement group, helping out at a senior meeting or meeting up for a coffee. It doesn’t matter what way it is, the importance is to start with one!

God is so amazing, this year our cost went up with increase in rent, health insurance and other living costs in San Francisco, but since the beginning of the year we have already seen a big increase in monthly support. Right now we are still in need of $1.300 to cover our total monthly cost. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. If you are not, but you would like to join our financial support team, find out more by clicking on this link. Thank you for considering us.

Don’t forget to research your town history!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen