Author Archives: Markus

How can Jesus shine through you? Part 1 Patience

How can Jesus shine through you Part 1 PatienceLast week we had a video of the father in the prodigal son story and how it was so important that the son knew that the father is good to actually come home. We want to write some more about that Father and also some of the character trades Jesus had and we need in our life. To make a difference in the world, the world has to see Jesus in the way we live our lives!

So today we want to start of with Patience. When you look at the father in the story you notice that he never put pressure on the son, no he was patiently waiting for him. He never gave up on Him, which shows really clear at the end when he sees him. But he was patient even while knowing the son just blew everything he gave him. Even knowing the son made a huge mistake. He stayed patient. We find the same in the life of Jesus. One example is Peter: Jesus was patient with him even after he failed a few times. He never walked away from him or gave up on him. No he always stayed with him.

So how does patience look like for us in our everyday life? It could look like a person that annoys us at work, but we choose still to be patient with him or her and not get angry at them. It could look like someone who doesn’t seem to ever make it but we stay patient and help again and again. It could be a child in our youth group that just always causes trouble, but we can still be patient. The most powerful testimony we can give of Gods patience is by living it. So lets start this week to increase our patience for others!!

 Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week. We are still in Jamaica teaching. Please keep us in your Prayers that God will use our words so people feel inspired and more hopeful through the teachings. Also keep praying for our beautiful city San Francisco. Pray that people can experience the love of God in a new way through Christians that live in the city.

Now have a wonderful week and remember to keep working on your patience for others!

Markus and Jen

You will only run towards good if you know good

You will only run towards good if you know goodWe just started into 2018 that’s why we start off with a video blog with the topic You will only run towards good if you know good! Be inspired!

 Hey our friend

We had a great start into the new year in San Francisco. Jen celebrated her birthday with a birthday party with neighbors, ywamers and church friends from the city. It was a blast and it was so great seeing everyone connecting. We also started to get ready for our teaching time in Jamaica. We are partnering with many churches there to teach people on budgeting. When we talked to our friend there and asked him how we could help to make a difference on the island he asked us to teach on finances, one thing I helped many different people with here in SF. We are leaving Tuesday the 9th and get back the 23rd. Our goal is to bring a team of financial people from our neighborhood in the future to teach and help. Please keep us in your prayers!

So remember this week to love a person towards Jesus!

Markus and Jen

A word of Revelation for 2018

…To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Revelation 21.6 (NIV)

a word of revelation for 2018Do you remember that feeling: You get an email for a free product and you get excited about it. But then you start reading the fine print and the free product ends up being not so free anymore and the initial excitement is gone.

But in the verse for the year 2018 God gives us a total free promise. He promises us water from the spring of life. It’s the water Jesus talked about to the lady at the well. The water that when you drink it will never let you go thirsty again. So that is actually a great free offer! Also the thing with His promises is that He keeps them!

So when you go into this new year take Him up on His offer. Let him fill you with living water which comes along with all the good things Father God has! Let 2018 be the year where we always run to the right well for water, the one that will always sustain us.

 Hey our friend

20171226_133638First of all Happy New Year!! We hope you had a wonderful celebration with friends and family!! The San Francisco firework and our celebration was really fun! We are excited for this new year and the things God will do! Its every year exciting to see what happens. Be excited for the year and the things you can experience together with Father God!

May God bless you richly!!

Markus and Jen

Love your Neighbor one last one

Love your neighbor One last oneSo this is the last blog of the year and on our series Love your Neighbor. But that doesn’t mean its done. No now it starts for some of us and for some of us it keeps going. When Jesus gave the command to love our neighbor He did not put a time limit on it. No this is something we are called to for the rest of our lives. Just think if the disciples would have stopped loving their neighbor what would have happened. The world would probably look different today.

God wants to partner with each one of us in transforming this world. Yes he could do it himself, no problem, but in relationship you want to partner with the other person. So we have to do our part. And we often ask God the question what should I do when we already received the answer Love your neighbor! SO what about if we make this all our theme for the year 2018. The world will start to look different. Our communities start to look more hopeful and we start having a stronger bound which holds us together. The crime rates will go down because we watch out for our neighbor, but not just that by loving our neighbor we can help prevent crime by helping people make better choices.

SO instead of putting our trust in politics, money or whatever we look for to bring change, let’s love our neighbor and bring the love of Jesus and with that change. With that we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

 Hey our friend

Christmas is here and might be already gone by the time you read this blog. We probably already ate our wonderful Christmas dinner with neighbors and had a wonderful time. Our last week before Christmas was busy like usual, but we had time to spend time with friends from the community for a lunch or have a potluck with our church small group. What a blessing it is. Now we are starting to plan for the new year and all things ahead. Jen and I have a tradition to pray at the end of the year for words for the new year. We also look back at the ones we got for the last year and see how God moved through them and how they came to pass. We want to encourage you to pray for your new year and let God give you words for your new year.

Merry Christmas!

Markus and Jen

Merry Christmas

Hi friend

christmas email

These days with all the negativity out there, it’s hard to stay optimistic about the state of our world.  We may feel overwhelmed or helpless with what we can or can’t do to make a difference.

What about if we became “hyper local” and focused on serving the community where we live?  What if we took Jesus’ command seriously and began to love our actual neighbors?

We hope the video at the end will encourage you this year that through small acts of kindness you have what it takes to change the world!

God bless you

Your Friends,

Markus and Jen