Author Archives: Markus

Dreams Part 4

Today we want to talk about unanswered dreams. May it speak to you!

Hey our friend

We hope your week was great!! We are in Germany till the end of July for 2 of my brothers weddings and also for my birthday. We will also be sharing at different places during our time. Please keep us and our friends and neighbors in San Francisco in your prayers. Thank you!!

Don’t forget that you are amazing and loved!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Dreams Part 3

For the next few weeks we will have a series on Dreams. Today its about why it is important to persevere. Be encouraged and challenged!!

Hey our friend

We hope you enjoy your summer!! We are in Germany till the end of July for 2 of my brothers weddings and also for my birthday. We will also be sharing at different places during our time. Please keep us and our friends and neighbors in San Francisco in your prayers. Thank you!!

Have fun with the blogs!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Dreams Part 2

For the next few weeks we will have a series on Dreams. Today its about why it is important to persevere. Be encouraged and challenged!!

Hey our friend

We hope you enjoy your summer!! We are in Germany till the end of July for 2 of my brothers weddings and also for my birthday. We will also be sharing at different places during our time. Please keep us and our friends and neighbors in San Francisco in your prayers. Thank you!!

Don’t forget that you are amazing and loved!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Dreams Part 1

For the next few weeks we will have a series on Dreams. Today we start the series with a testimony. Be encouraged and inspired!!

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope fantastic. We are in Germany till the end of July for 2 my brothers weddings and also for my birthday. We will also be sharing at different places during our time. Please keep us and our friends and neighbors in San Francisco in your prayers. Thank you!!

Enjoy the blog series!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Grace in deepest Water

Grace is so wonderful, feel inspired by this new blog!

Hey our friend

We hope you had an awesome week!! We are getting ready to go to Germany for 2 of my brothers weddings and a baptism of my newest nephew as well as connecting with friends and supporters. We are excited to see what God has in store for this time! We also had a great week in SF with all the different events and connecting with neighbors. We also were able to learn from a group that has a big heart to love there neighbors as well. It was really encouraging!

Remember that God and his grace is with you!

God bless you

Markus and Jen