Author Archives: Markus

Let us be men and women that point towards God

We can learn a lot from the book of Exodus and today we want to look at the importance to point to God. Be encouraged

Hey our friend

I don’t know if you have ever seen the Lord of the Rings movies, but if not they are wonderful films that can greatly encourage to never give up, kind of like Moses when he stood at the red sea! We did a marathon last Saturday and watched all of them with friends. Movie Marathons are a great way to invite fellow movie lovers from the neighborhood over. This week was also one of our YWAM Board meetings which I was part of. Outside of that it was a normal week. Please pray with us for our neighborhood that people will truly find God and fall in love with him. Thank you!

Remember this week to be a speaker for God that brings courage and hope but especially points people towards him.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

P.s. We also really like this song that really shows some of God’s greatness and why we can easily point towards him!

Superheroes, their 2nd Identity and you

Most of us are fascinated with superheroes and we love them. In this video I want to talk about how many of those heroes have a 2nd identity and how that relates to you too.

Hey our friend

What is new with you? Give us an update on your life. If I would have to put a headline on our week it would be dinners are creating true community. We had many dinners this week with different people and it was a real blessing since all of us got really encouraged and we were able to invest in each other. And our dinners are not elaborate. They are often meals that are simple but good. So everyone can cook a simple meal, including you! Of course you can’t just eat all week so we also had all our other things going on as well which also brought deeper connections.

Like we said in the video, you can be a hero to your neighborhood and make a difference. Bring his love and point people towards the ultimate hero were this love comes from!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Is it even significant what I do?

Be inspired through this weeks blog and may it help you to see the truth clearer!

Hey our friend

How was your week? Ours was a normal week without big events but in the same way a wonderful week. Its just wonderful being able to encourage people and to serve in our neighborhood in all our places. Its just great!! I love how ywam has a heart for the whole city and how important it is to serve in each part. We want to keep encouraging you to make a difference in your neighborhood by loving your neighbor, serving with different needs or in whatever other capacity. Your neighborhood is the place where you are the most so lets invest in it!!

As we talk about in the video little things that you do can leave an impact. So make sure to keep doing those!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Use your giftings till the end

Watch our newest video Blog and find out more what it means to use your gifting till the end

Hey our friend

We hope you had an awesome week!! We had our last summer barbecue here on Labor day which was such a wonderful time for all who came.  And since everyone brought something for it, it wasn’t too many preparations either. During the week we also watched the dog of friends which led to conversations with dog owners. It’s amazing that when we help out others that in return we are blessed too.

Don’t forget this week to use your giftings!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

The Lion King Step into your calling

A little while ago we watched the Lion King and found so many principals that we wrote about in the last few weeks and in this blog!

Hey our friend

How was your week? We hope great!! We had a wonderful meeting this week with a friend who is starting the work we are doing in North beach in another neighborhood of the city. It is exciting to see how God works in different places. It was also wonderful spending time with the seniors and to bring encouragement. Isn’t it awesome that you, us and all children of God are his hand and feet on this earth. Each one of us brings change in their area! This is how the kingdom of God comes into this world!

Where is your calling? What is your place and who are your neighbors? Ask yourself that question together with god and then step into it!

God bless you

Markus and Jen