Author Archives: Markus

What riches hold you back?

Hey our friend

2013-03-26 17.09.23Wow Easter week went by quickly. I (Markus) ended up getting sick with a cold after Jen was sick over the last weekend.  Also Jen went to Pennsylvania for the funeral of Grandpa. Our DTS Students also left for Outreach. Please keep them in your prayers for safe travel and great opportunities to bring the gospel to Italy and Greece. Also keep praying for more relationships into the community here as well as more staff to work with us in North Beach.

What riches hold you back

During the last few years I ministered to many people that most of us would consider rich. Some of them are. I was thinking about the story of Jesus and the rich man and how he asks him how to get to heaven. Jesus told him to sell everything and follow him. After that the rich man left and Jesus was sad. I think many times it is so easy to look at this parable with the attitude of saying that being rich and having money is a bad thing. But I tell you the message in this is not just geared towards money, its geared to everything that keeps us away from God. Are you willing to give him everything? What if He asks you tomorrow to quit your job and with that give up your retirement and health benefits; would you do it? Would you trust him to take those steps? I believe that every single area in our life were we don’t trust God is that area that Jesus called out in the rich man. And all of us have those areas in our life, so the goal is to submit more and more of those to Jesus and trust him. When I went into fulltime ministry I gave up a job and my career to go to a place where I didn’t speak the language and didn’t have the resources for. God taught me in that time a valuable lesson, trust me no matter what, I will take care of you. Jen and I both have been in missions for over 10 years and God took care of us every single month. It teaches you humility and also strengthens your faith. Our father is faithfull and he wants to be a part of every area of our life. So what are the areas you are holding on to? Find those areas and then start to give them to God. It will take you some time but keep doing it and trust me you will start to feel more freedom. If we don’t have to be in control but let the one that knows the absolute best take control we will be less stressed.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen


P.s. San Francisco, besides Manhattan, is the most expensive city in the nation to live in. However, we believe God has called us to be missionaries in the urban world. Currently we are in need of $2,100 more a month to cover life and ministry costs. During the last few month God helped us by providing some wonderful new monthly supporters. We are now $1000 closer to the amount we need monthly!!  We’d like to offer you an opportunity to join us in engaging a city with a loving God.

This is what we are looking for

4 people that commit to give $200 a month
5 people that commit to give $100 a month
8 people that commit to give $50 a month
8 people that commit to give $25 a month
20 people that commit to give $10 a month

Or you can support us with any amount you would like. This could be monthly or as a one-time gift.  Anything helps. Under this link you can find all the info on how to support us.


Easter the time to get rid of fear

Hey friend

Only a few more days till Easter. This year went by fast again. That is another reason why we have to live our life daily intentional. During the last week we had great conversations with people at the coffee shop. It is always exciting to see God bring change and new revelations to people. We also went to a big community discussion about concerts at the America cup. During that time we were able to see old faces again and connect with a few new ones. God also gave us the opportunity to encourage one of the main organizers for the America Cup.

The last week also had a sad moment with Jen’s last grandpa passing away. She will fly Thursday to Pennsylvania to attend the funeral. Please pray for her and her family in this season of grieve.

Easter the time to get rid of fear

We are only a few days away from Easter the greatest day of victory. But when we look at the days before Easter we don’t see that much victory. Actually we see more fear than anything else. The disciples ran away from Jesus because out of fear. Another disciple even denied Jesus because the fear for his life crippled him. Even Jesus was fearful and asking His father for another way out. What happened? Jesus started to carry all the fear and all evil things mankind did, do and will do on his shoulders. That is a pretty heavy burden. But what did Jesus do in this time of fear, he looked at His Father and not at the circumstances. He knew exactly what would happen, but he also knew His Dad held Him in his hand. Many times it is easy to look at circumstances and become fearful. Look at the disciples as an example. Instead of listening to what Jesus said about him resurrecting after 3 days and believe it in faith they choose to look at the circumstances and live in fear to save their lives. I’m sure most of us would have done the same thing. So what is the solution? When fear comes up in your life, instead of letting it sink in, spend time with God and let Him meet you in that area. Ask Him for an increase of your faith because faith gives you Gods perspective. Also meditate on who God is and remind yourself of the times He came through in your life. And don’t forget, He overcame it all!! That is the good news of Easter.

Have a blessed Easter week

Markus and Jen

He wants alone time with you

Hey friend

Wow we just had an eventful week here in San Francisco. We had some great times of encouragement and prayer with one of the guys we help at the coffee shop. Praise God. Then last Friday we had the YWAM Community night which was an amazing time with over 100 people. The message was how to fight violence in the hood and bring true hope to the Kids there. Watch it on Markus and Jen News TV and be challenged. Last Saturday we got invited to the Fundraiser for the boys and girls club. Jen and I had a wonderful time with great people, food and dancing. It was encouraging to hear how God is changing lives through the work that is done in the Club. Keep us in your prayers while we do work with the kids in the club. On this link you find some pictures from that event. Oh and we also send out our most recent newsletter last week. Make sure to sign up here to always get the newest one!!

This week Bethany is joining us again on Staff in North beach which is exciting and we also have a girl from Germany join us for a 5 month internship which will be partially in North Beach. Yeah. Please pray for both of them to transition in well.

He wants alone time with you

We are only a short time away from Easter. One thing that always makes me think in that time is the fact that in the week before Jesus got crucified all the people celebrated Jesus and a week after the same people screamed out of their lungs crucify him. One thing that really struck me with that is the fact of relationship. Those people obviously didn’t truly know who Jesus is and what he is about, or they would have never turned on him. But how could they? They didn’t have a true relationship with him. They only knew what he was saying but didn’t truly know him.

If you think about a relationship between a husband and a wife you notice something as well: For them to grow closer together and fall more in love with each other they need times alone with each other. If they would always spend all their time with other people and not invest in each other they would eventually notice that there relationship isn’t as strong as it used to be.

Now translate that to your relationship with God. We need the same thing with him. It’s important to have the corporate times with him and others, but he also longs for the one and one times with us. Some things that are really important for those times are that you put your full attention into that time. That means no phone calls, texts, Facebook updates or any other distraction that takes away from that time. You would not like those things either when you are on a date with your husband or wife and they also hinder from truly getting to know someone. Then just spent regularly some quality time in Prayer with Him and also studying His word.  Set a time aside on a daily base that is your Jesus time. You will see that over time you will become closer and closer with Him. You know it might be awkward at the beginning and you might not know how to fill your time, but after a while you will notice that you don’t have enough time. Also In the example of Jesus we can see that we can’t afford not to have a close relationship with Him. What if the whole world turns against you, what do you hold on to? We want to encourage you to spend alone time with Him to really grow closer.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Be always ready

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Every day God gives us something to be thankful for, and that is where we need to put our focus on. Last week we were able to connect with some new people in the community through a neighborhood meeting. God keeps opening up new ways into the lives of people. Our normal weekly meetings went really well too and we were able to spread more hope in that community. Pray that God shows us more and more ways on how to move forward with the ministry as well as providing more fulltime staff.

Be always ready

Last Saturday Jen and I went on a date to Walnut Creek. We planned to spend some time in that beautiful town. On the way there a lady on the train started talking to us about her life and started sharing about how she got clean and how she slowly started connecting with a church. During the ride we were able to speak hope into her life and at the end of the ride I was able to pray for her. It seemed that during her whole life she had only bad experiences with man and when I prayed for her she was really touched by a man not using her but really caringly praying for her. When I finished praying another couple that sat across said that they totally want to agree with the prayers. We found out later that they just came back from a mission trip in Thailand and seeing us ministering to the lady really helped them to transition back in after being in a mainly Buddhist country. After that conversation we met another guy and offered him to pray for him, which he declined with saying I’m not religious. But we were able to encourage him to learn more about Jesus. That all happened in about 40 min and none of it was planned, all we did was being available to what God wanted to do. If you look at the ministry Jesus did, you will notice that he had many unplanned ministry opportunities like the lady at the well, the blind man etc. All he did was being available to be used by His father to do a miracle.

Now we need to ask ourselves the question. Are we available when God opens up an opportunity? What holds us back not to step into that opportunity? Ponder a bit on those questions and then go for the opportunities God gives you.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

What wrong believes hold you back from totally beeing who you are?

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. We saw God coming through in many ways. Over the last week we saw more and more parts of the vision of End Loneliness coming true. Our God is awesome. Jen led an aerobic class together with the DTS at the Italian community center, and through the prayer walks in the last week we saw more of God coming through in the neighborhood. Praise God.

What are your wrong believes?

Todays blog is inspired by Steve Backlund who was speaking at church last Saturday. He shared on the topic of wrong believes. Our actions and the way we live our life is controlled by what we believe. As an example if we approach life like this: “Its hopeless”. If we have that believe we will look at things with a way more negative and not hope bringing attitude. But if you look at the bible and the different situations people went through, you realize that its not that hopeless: Abraham got a son in really old age (Genesis 17-21). Joseph was hated by his brothers and almost got killed but became a ruler over Egypt (Genesis 37-41),Moses stood in front of the ocean with enemies behind him and the crowd he was leading, so God just spilt the water. The disciples were afraid to get killed by the Christian hater Saul. God just turned his heart and he became the greatest apostle in the bible (Acts). Lazarus came to life after being dead  for 4 days (John 11).
But now after you addressed the lie just laugh out loud at it, because it is so ridiculous. And then take action steps. If you feel hopeless ask the holy spirit to show you the lies you believe in that area. Start cutting those lies out of your life. Start believing that there is hope for your life. And then start declaring that over yourself on a daily base. I recommend reading Steves book Lets just laugh at that.

So now if you think about that one lie, you notice that there are many lies like this one or similar ones in our believe system. Its important to bring those lies to the light and laugh at how ridiculous they are. And then start looking at the truth and the things God is saying. Then proclaim the truth over yourself.  Ask God this week what lies you believe and find truth. And the truth will set you free John 8:32

Have a blessed week.

Markus and Jen