Author Archives: Markus

A small act of Kindness can bring hope and joy

Hey our friend

2014-01-01 15.50.082013-12-31 23.54.12We hope you had a wonderful start into the new year. We are still in Pennsylvania sharing with friends, churches, family about what God is doing in San Francisco. Pray for our time that God really encourages and challenges people through our sharing.

We also launched our new website oficially on January 1st., which you are on right now. Many thanks to our friend Shane Fryer for making this possible. You are the best!!

A small act of Kindness can bring hope and joy

A little while ago I was on my way to a meeting. While walking there I saw a older man who was carrying 2 heavy boxes. I asked him if I can help him with carrying one of them. He couldn’t believe that I would help him. He needed to go anyway to a place that was along my way to the meeting and some extra arm exercise doesn’t hurt anyone. The joy on his face was amazing. His face literally changed from looking sad to total joyIt is so interesting how a moment of caring can change the outlook of someones day. The great thing about this is that all of us can do it. We don’t have to start a huge ministry or speak at a church to bring the love of God to people. We can do little things for people when they don’t expect it. Mother Teresa said this:

“Not all of us can do great things. But all of us can do small things with love. “

I would say that little things done with love are by far greater then great things done without love. Lets bless people around us and show them who our King is!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

A New Year resolution that will change your life forever

Hey our friend

trainWe hope you had a wonderful Christmas week. We had a very international Christmas celebration at our house with people from the neighborhood. We had 2 Greek friends, 1 Iranian friend, one Chinese friend, 1 Italian friend, 1 German and 1 American. It is awesome to see how God brought the nations to us in a small neighborhood of 20.000 people. But by now we are in Pennsylvania spending some time with family and share with different  churches and friends about the work God is doing in San Francisco. Its an exciting season. Please keep us in your prayers that God gives us the right words to share and encourages and challenges people through it.

Thanks to our wonderful North Beach Staff Shane who helps us from Florida with all our webdesign we are officially launching this new and redesigned website. We believe it came out really beautiful. This new site is also mobile friendly so from now on you can read the blog a lot easier on your mobile device.

Also if you are looking for an end of the year tax write off or would like to support what God is doing in San Francisco, think about supporting us in our work here in San Francisco! You can find more info on how under this link. Thank you for all your support and for considering us.

A New Year resolution that will change your life forever

But for me it is good to be near God;… Psalm 73.28

Like every week I prayed what this weeks blog should be about and I felt God put this topic on my heart. I just finished filming this message and just uploaded it, when I realized that it actually goes exactly along with the verse that stands for the year 2014 (I don’t know if it is a common thing here in the US but in Germany they pick a verse for the year which kind of stands over the whole year).

I believe this message is significant for each one of us. Be challenged and encouraged with this Video Blog.

God bless you

Your Missionary friends

Markus and Jen

Merry Christmas and what is christmas really about?

Hey our friend

66674_10151342456543321_1321202663_nWe hope you have a wonderful week while getting ready for Christmas. We will have a Christmas celebration at our house on the 25th with friends from the neighborhood. It will be awesome!! And Thursday we will got to Pennsylvania to spend time with family there and also share with churches and friends about the work here in San Francisco. We want to wish you a blessed Christmas and hope our Christmas message video makes you think and challenges you.

Also if you are looking for an end of the year tax write off or would like to support what God is doing in San Francisco, think about supporting us in our work here in San Francisco! You can find more info on how under this link. Thank you for all your support and for considering us.

What is Christmas really about?

Enjoy the video.

God bless you

your friends

Markus and Jen

What are we running after or the organ part 2

Hey our friend

IMG_7202We hope you are doing well. Last week we celebrated our annual YWAM Christmas party which was amazing. We had lots of fun. It is crazy to think about the fact that Christmas is almost here. Remember to spend some time thinking about the one who is the reason for the season. Also today our DTS is leaving for there Outreach to Thailand. Please keep them in your prayers. This is a picture of our North Beach students.

We also want to ask you to pray about to join our monthly or one time gift support team. Pray about it. You can click on this link for more info on how to support us. Thank you for considering us. It means a lot to us. May God bless you richly.

What are we running after (or the organ part 2)

IMG_6451IMG_6451Last week I wrote about an organ that I saw in a very old church. In that church I noticed something else, a second organ. It actually looked identical to the first one. But when you looked closer you saw that it was just a copy of the other one and that it was not functioning. I think that is another great picture of how important it is to be connected to God. There are many things in this world that promise you a lot. On paper many of them look great, but as more you look into it, as more you see, how they are not that great. Money, power or fame are some of them, but when you talk to people that succeeded in them without Jesus you see that it didn’t fulfill them. You see how it was just a cheap imitation of what God actually intended for them to have. I’m not trying to say that God doesn’t want to give you those things, but what I’m asking is:

What is your heart after? Are we running after Jesus or are we finding satisfaction in things that will never be able to fulfill us?

Jesus said once that He is the way the truth and the life and that no one comes to the father then through Him. So we need to get our focus right and ask ourselves this question. What are we running after and in which areas do we have to change our course? I think this is a question which we have to ask ourselves many times during our lifetime. Ponder on it and think about it.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

How can you be the most effective or the Organ part 1

Hey our friend

We had a great week in San Francisco. All our events went really well and we really saw daily Gods goodness again. We were invited to many different events and through that were able to make new friends in the neighborhood. God keeps opening doors. Keep praying for his guidance in this Christmas season. Thank you for all your prayers. We really appreciate you.

We also want to ask you to pray about to join our monthly or one time gift support team. Pray about it. You can click on this link for more info on how to support us. Thank you for considering us. It means a lot to us. May God bless you richly.

How can you be the most effective or the Organ part 1

IMG_6451IMG_6454While we were in Germany we visited a very old church. In the front part of the church they had a really big organ with big pipes. It was very impressive looking at the big organ, but then it was even more impressive to see the little keyboard on which you play the organ. It also didn’t look very impressive but the person that pushed the buttons controlled the organ. I think it is a great picture how God can use each one of us and there gifting. Just picture this. You bring Jesus to one person and that person becomes the new Billy Graham. You might not be remembered here on earth, but I promise you God remembers you. And the great thing is since God is the organ player He knows exactly how to use you at the right time. If you play the wrong tone at the wrong time the song sounds wrong, but played at the right time its beautiful. When we listen to Him He can share His heart with us and guide us. I promise you listening to God and his guidance is no wasted life, its actually the most effectively used life possible. We want to challenge you to start spending time listening to His guidance.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen