Author Archives: Markus

Never once did we ever walk alone! Remember!

Hey our friend

We hope you had an amazing week. We had our review and evaluation meeting this week in which each ministry is evaluated. We brainstorm and pray in those times together on how to move forward. It is always a really encouraging and wonderful time. We are also amazed by looking back how much God has done in the last 6 month.

20140815_183134_Richtone(HDR)We also had a personal blessing through God last week. The friends from the boys and girls club gave us tickets to a Raiders game, my second and Jen’s first American football game. Through that we could join 2 of our staff who are going regularly. We had such a wonderful time. We are so thankful!

Never once did we ever walk alone

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did you leave us on our own
You are faithful god you are faithful

During the worship time on our Staff Retreat we sang Never once from Matt Redman and just by singing the lines I started to feel courage build up in me . How amazing is it to know that our father is always with us. I feel sometimes we say it but do we truly believe it? Do we believe it in the dark and hard times in our lives and do we believe it in the good days when everything goes by plan?

When you read through the bible you see it all the time how god confirmed the truth of how he is with us all the time. Here are some examples:

Deuteronomy 31.8 ESV: It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Deuteronomy 31.6 ESV: Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Joshua 1.9 ESV: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Matthew 28.20 ESV: Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Like I said these are only a few examples, but when you read through the bible you notice that it is full of passages that are talking about that God is with us in every circumstance. It doesn’t matter what you are going through, He is with you and has a solution for you. Our God is faithful!! But we also need to remember that this message is not only inclusively for us. Share it with people that go through their lives and don’t even know that there is father out there who wants to walk with them and loves them so much. Sometimes people right next to us like our neighbors need to hear that. Its not just the obvious person that is homeless, but it is often the old man right next to us that lost his wife, it’s the rich man who runs your company and doesn’t have anyone that loves him, it’s the woman that models and has no one to be real with, it’s the Hollywood actor that doesn’t even know who he is because of all the different roles he played. These are just some examples but again this applies to every person that doesn’t know the transforming love of Jesus.

Remember it for yourself today and also share it with someone else.

We and Jesus love you

Markus and Jen

Robin Williams and Hope, and Heroes of challenge Part 5

Hey our friend

What a great week. It started of with receiving a package from good friends in Germany. It had lots of German goods inside like Swabia Flaedle soup, chocolate and gravy powder for a wonderful sauce! It made me (Markus) so happy.

IMG_8131Doing ministry this week was also amazing. One common theme that I notice with each person is hope. Many people walk through there life without hope.  It got me thinking of how important hope is in our lives. When you read Hebrews 11.1 you notice something interesting, faith is actually a substance of hope, meaning without hope it’s hard/ impossible to have faith. What people need in our days is hope. Many times we don’t even know what’s going on in peoples lives. Look at the sad death of Robin Williams last week. Everyone knew him as the great actor and comedian and everyone knew his funny side. But a few knew about how he dealt with depression and addictions. I believe his biggest problem so was not having hope. Let’s not just look at the surface of a person but look at how they are really doing.

So when we reach out to others let us make sure that they leave with more hope then what they had when they came.

Also watch this new Video about the ministry of YWAM San Francisco in the Tenderloin which was just released!!

Heroes of challenge Part 5

Today I want to wrap up our series heroes of challenge. There are many more heroes of challenge, i could actually write for the rest of my life and would not run out of them, but all good things have come to an end someday.

To end with a blast let’s look at the ultimate hero of challenge, Jesus.  His life started off with a challenge. His parents had to run from the leader of the time since he saw a thread in Jesus as a king and ordered to kill all babies. The interesting thing is that the same happened to Moses as well. He was called to lead the people into the Promised Land but didn’t make it himself, but Jesus made it and through him all of us can make it to heaven.

Jesus got challenged by Pharisees with different tricks and ways to bring him down (one example Matthew 22.15-22 the story of taxes). But Jesus came out as a winner in each one of them. Another time Jesus get challenged by Satan with lies (Matthew 4.1-11).  But how did Jesus respond? He responded with the word of God which took Satans power. So if we are under attack from the enemy, lets listen to the holy spirit and let him guide us on how to go through the attack and come out as a winner! Another time Jesus spoke the truth to people and for that they wanted to stone Him (John 8.56-59 and John 10:27-36). This happened twice, but it didn’t change his perspective and approach. He stayed true to His calling. That is also a challenge for each one of us. Are we standing for the truth even with the risk of being attacked or killed (look at situation in Iraq and how Christians get killed for standing for what they believe)?

But then Jesus stood in front of his ultimate challenge to die on the cross. Before that happened he met with his father in the Garden, really having a hard time (Luke 22.39-46). One thing that really stuck out to me was the fact that he asked his disciples to stand with him in prayer. After he prayed, His father sends an angel to comfort him.

God didn’t take away the challenge, but he stood with him through it.

Looking at Jesus and his life I picked 4 things as a challenge for us.

  1. The place you came from or the way you grew up doesn’t disqualify you for doing great things for God.
  2. Never compromise the truth but stay true to it. The same is true for your calling.
  3. Make sure you have people around you that can stand with you in times of challenge and also make sure to keep your eyes on God.
  4. Never give up in challenges. When you walk through them and stay strong, you open the door for others to have the same victory. Look at runners, after the first one broke an impossible time record, many others followed him and did the same. When you stand strong in challenges your ceiling becomes the floor for the people that follow you!

We all will face challenges in our life, but always remember that a father who loves you is standing with you in each one of them. Choose to look at Him and ask Him for help!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

Heroes through challenge Part 4 Passion vs calling

Hey our friend

arkWe had a wonderful week starting of with a Retreat with all Bay area YWAM Staff. It was so good to catch up with everyone. It was also so refreshing to hear what’s going on with all other ministries. When we got back from the retreat on Wednesday we had a great game night. The rest of the week was awesome as well with some great conversations with people in the neighborhood. We were also preaching at our church on Sunday on the topic of Family.

First of all thank you for praying for and with us! Please keep us in your Prayers in this coming season while the ministry moves forward. Pray for wisdom in how to work the most effective. Thank you so much.

Heroes through challenge Part 4 Passion vs calling

Over the years I met many people that went through challenges in their life. Some of them persevered and walked through them and at the end got out stronger. Others walked away from the challenge, till they faced a similar challenge again which they walked away from again. I often also heard people talk about how they are passionate about a certain thing and how God gave them a specific calling for that area. But then when they face challenges and things aren’t working out the way they thought they should work out I often hear the same comment, God called me for something else now. If we just follow our passion we might lose the excitement after time. But if we follow a calling that God has given us, we can be passionate about it, but in times of challenge we still know the calling God has given us for that area and won’t give up.

A calling is a word from God which gives us direction. Callings normally don’t change.
A passion on the other side can be something that is in us and it can be God given, but passion can run out. So when we make decisions our passion definitely needs to be a part of it, but we also need a word from God on which we can fall back to when times are hard and our passion might go away.

One good example from more recent History is Hudson Taylor. He felt God gave him a calling to China. I’m sure he was passionate about going there. He ended up going and faced many challenges. One really big one came from his own people back home who disagreed with him, when he decided to dress like the people he ministered to because he believed he would be more effective. He walked through this challenge and didn’t give up. He also faced many challenges in China if it was through health or attacks from locals. But even in those times he was clear of his calling. His passion might have changed by the challenges he was facing, but the calling he got kept him moving forward. Through his perseverance and not giving up in the calling he received China Inland mission started which is still reaching people today.

I want to challenge you today to really think about what God has called you to do and where you are at in this journey?

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Heroes through challenge Part 3

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week! We started our week of with a vision meeting to see where we are at and what we have to do to move to the next place. It was a really good time to evaluate. We want to encourage you to do that with your own life and with the goals and vision God has given you.  It will encourage you in moving forward but then also show you the great things God already did.

20140721_203641_Richtone(HDR)All other works in the neighborhood are also moving forward. We feel that God just increases our favor with the community and gives us deeper understanding of the people who live here.

Thank you so much for all your support of us and the work here. You are truly a blessing and many things would not be possible without you.

Heroes through challenge Part 3

One of the stories in the bible that always fascinates me is the Story of Joseph, and how he didn’t give up even with the biggest challenges.

As a young boy he was the favorite child of his dad (Genesis 37.4-5). So his brothers were not too happy about that. But then he had a dream of how the things he was doing was putting him above what his brothers were doing (Genesis 37.5-9). Eventually his brothers got so angry with him that they decided to kill him, but then through intervention from one brother choose instead to sell him into slavery to Egypt (Genesis 37.12-36).

As he arrives in Egypt he keeps serving to the best of his ability, ends up having a high servant position (Genesis 39) and ends up in jail with being falsely accused of raping the wife of Potiphar. Still he stood and didn’t give up in this challenge. He kept serving God in the jail and ends up through interpretation of dreams to interpret the dream of Pharaoh and with that becomes the second highest man in Egypt (Genesis 40-41). Through his position he starts controlling the food supply and saves Egypt and eventually his family through a big drought. His family ends up coming to him to buy food and he sees how the dreams he had as a young boy became reality.

But one thing that stuck out to me was the fact that even with all the challenges he faced, he was able to forgive people that hurt him. He was never holding a grudge against any of his brothers. God saved a nation through one man who walked through the challenge and didn’t give up. It’s something for each of us to learn that whatever we go through not to give up and never build up a hate in us towards others even if they did us wrong. Let us always move forward in whatever God has called us even if we face challenges. God is with you, never forget that!!

Markus and Jen

Heroes through challenge Part 2

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. We had a quieter week after some really busy weeks. It is awesome to see how God takes care of us and gives us times of rest when needed. He really cares for each one of us deeply and we just have to listen to his guidance. Next week we are going on a Staff Retreat with all the Bay Area YWAM Staff which will be awesome.

I (Markus) also celebrated my birthday on the 27th which was an amazing day. A wonderful friend gave me his car for 2 days, which also so happened is my dream car. It was amazing to drive it down the coast. God just blessed me through great friends

Through our work in the neighborhood we are seeing more and more depth in all the relationships we have with people. It is amazing to see how little words of hope or not talking badly about people is noticed so that people made comments to us about it.

We want to encourage you, starting today, to bring hope to people and live different then the world by speaking only good about others.

miracleAlso another good news YWAM San Francisco got approved for the building!! God did a miracle!!

Heroes of challenge Part 2

With a short break last week we are back with our Series heroes of challenge. Today I want to look at Abraham. Abraham was the man who God made a promise to about Israel (Genesis 15 and 17). Out of his family line Israel started.

When you look at Abraham you see many times how he went through times of challenge. At the beginning he followed Gods call and left the land he was born in to go to a new place (Genesis 12). In that time period that was a huge step, leaving everything behind for some unknown land and future.  But he choose to trust God and took on the challenge. Later on his workers got in fights with the workers of his nephew over land. Abraham ended up giving his nephew the choice of land, and of course he choose the better looking land (Genesis 13). Lot made a choice with his eyes but Abraham made a choice in faith. And God did show up and made Abraham prosper even more. The later on God gave him the promise of a son and a nation that will come out of that (Genesis 15 and 17). Since nothing happened and his wife got older his wife told him to take matters in his own hand and have a son with her servant woman (Genesis 16). He did, but that wasn’t the son whom god will use to build the nation. It would be the son of promise that his wife had in an age were it was impossible to have kids (Genesis 21). But then Abraham stood in front of his biggest life challenge. God tells him to sacrifice his son (Genesis 22). With a sad heart he obeyed god and God intervenes in the last second through an angel and saves his son.

Why was Abraham such a man of God? He took God by His word and went for it. Even in challenges he didn’t walk away from his calling. Instead it drew him closer to God. He had times of failure and hick ups, but he chooses to follow God through all the challenges. This is something each one of us can learn from him. Listen to God in challenges and believe the impossible. Just look at how God did a miracle with the YWAM Base, he wants to do miracles in and through your life but we have to trust Him

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen