Author Archives: Markus

Faith or unbelief, what is your choice?

Hey our friend

20141104_131144We hope you had a wonderful week. We had a more office focused week which is sometimes important too, but not necessarily our favorite. During this coming week I (Markus) will be in Redding learning more from my friend, a YWAM Teacher, on how to teach on the father heart of God. Jen came up with me for the weekend and we went to many church services.

20141108_144119_Richtone(HDR)Please keep praying along with us while things are moving forward and we see God move in many areas of the work. Pray especially for our students since they start leading Prayer walks which they created. Pray that God will guide them in there walks.

During the last week God brought in 1 new supporter and a couple who will pray about supporting us. Thank you God! Please pray about if God wants you to be a part of this work through monthly financial support. Our goal is to be fully funded by January first so that we don’t have to focus on fundraising in this new year and can just use all that time for ministry. You can support us with $25, $50, $100 or any other amount you would like. Click on this link then choose under monthly giving the amount, under ministry Staff support and write under comments Markus and Jen. Thank you for partnering with us in bringing hope to North beach San Francisco!

Faith or unbelief, what is your choice?

…everything that does not come from faith is sin.  Romans 14.23

One morning during our quiet time we read in the book of Romans chapter 14. One thing that stuck out to me was the verse above. Paul is saying here that everything we do without faith is sin. Why is that? Let me look at another story with you before answering that question. When David was King over Israel he started to count his troops. In a human logical sense there is no issue with that, but in a Godly sense there is. David assessed what he had so he could figure out how to fight the enemy and especially how big the enemy could be he wanted to fight. When David did that he started to keep God out of the picture. Instead of trusting God fully he started to trust in manpower. When he fought Goliath he attacked him with faith and even said you come with weapons but I come with the living God. The situation looked impossible, but he won, because his faith was in God. When he counted the troops his head faith might still be in God but in reality he had unbelief. And unbelief is not compatible with faith meaning it brings you to a place of worry and self-sufficiency. When we put all our trust and faith in God we are not depending on our strength but His. So however the end result will be the Glory will always go to Him since we did it through Him. If we don’t do that it is really easy to fall into pride which is sin and holds us away from our loving father. Lets asses our lives and see where we made decisions based on faith and where not. After we did that lets change things to move more and more into a lifestyle of faith.

Have a blessed week.

Markus and Jen

Let’s go fly a kite

Hey our friend

german flagWe hope you had a wonderful week. After a super busy week we had a bit of a slower week which felt really good. We had wonderful opportunities to bring hope to leaders in the community. We also hosted our first german night at our house. It’s a way to connect with other german speakers in the city as well as a way for Jen to learn more of the language. It was a great time!! We also had Jen’s Mom here for a visit which was amazing as well.

Please also keep standing with us in Prayer in this season for all parts of the ministry. We want to see more and more breakthroughs in the lives of the different people. Pray for an increase of hope for people and also open hearts for Jesus.

We set a goal to be fully funded by January 1st. This is the reason why we did it: Every year a junk of time has to be used to fundraise to be able to keep doing what we are doing. That time we can’t use to do the ministry here in the city. So our goal is to be fully funded for all of our monthly expenses through monthly support. At this point we are in need of $2802 more on a monthly base. Consider joining our monthly support team. Its really easy to do so. Just click on this link, choose the amount, as a ministry choose staff support and under comments put Markus and Jen. If you would like to support us by check make the checks out to YWAM with a note in Memo MJH. Send them to YWAM San Francisco, 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco CA 94102. If you cant support us personally help us by sharing with others who might be interested in supporting us. Thank you for all your support. You are such a blessing to us.

Lets go fly a kite

This week we will have a video blog which I recorded a few weeks ago. Enjoy!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

Who do we call for help in our life?

Hey our friend


We hope you had a wonderful fall week. Jen and I were teaching in the DTS on the father heart of God. It went really well. It was amazing to see God do Miracles, He helped us prepare a 12 hour (full hours) teaching in less than 1 week. Thank you God!

20141024_18272220141024_185421Through all the different ways we are part of the neighborhood we were invited to 2 different events. The first one was a dinner for the Italian Community Center. It was a wonderful evening with amazing food. The other one was the movie Premiere of Pelican dreams of a neighbor from the Hill. Her last film was called the wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill and was amazing as well as her new one about Pelicans. Watch it when it comes to a theater near you. None of us has ever been to a movie Premiere of a big movie, so it was a wonderful time meeting new people.

Also keep us and the work here in your prayers. A lot of great things are happening, but we also face a few challenges. Stand with us that God will bring breakthrough in those. Also please email us if you have a Prayer request. We would love to pray for you.

We like to ask you to consider joining our support team. Our goal is to be fully funded by January next year. In the last 2 weeks 2 new people joined our support team. Pray and see if God wants you to be part of this work and our monthly team. As an example, you could give $100, $50 or $25 but again you can support us with any amount you like, no gift is too small or too big. Click here to find out more on how to do it! Thank you for considering us.

Who do we call for help in our life?

The other morning we read in the book of 2.Chronicles during our quiet time. Jen and I are reading through a bible in a year plan which really helps to actually read the whole book. While reading, one verse really stuck out to me:

2. Chronicles 16.12 In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from the physicians.

When you read through the chapters before you find out that Asa was a good King and followed God. He saw God showing up in many areas of his reign. He was able to see and trust God do miracles for Israel by setting them free from false Gods and people who oppressed them. But then when it came to his own life he had a hard time remembering the faithfulness of the father. Instead of first asking the father to help him and heal him from the disease, he just asked his personal doctors. I believe that it was easy for him to believe that God wants to do great things for others but not necessarily for him. Also I think his relationship with Father God was more of a servant then a son. If we have a good relationship with Father God our normal reaction should be to ask Him first what to do. He might say go to the Doctor, but He might also heal us. But the importance is trust. We will call first whoever we trust the most.

Who do you put your trust in?

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

The Fathers heart

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Last week I (Markus) was teaching a finance class in our 360 Discipleship Program at the YWAM Base. Pray that God will help them to use all the tools I gave them to get back on their feet. We also had a dinner with the board of YWAM San Francisco and shared with them some updates on the ministry. It was a wonderful time.

This week we will be teaching the DTS. We will also meet with someone about the concept and how they can practically implement it in to their area. Please keep us in your Prayers since it will be a different week for us. Thank you so much.

We also want to ask you to consider joining our monthly financial support team. Find out more by clicking on this link. Thank you for considering us.

The fathers heart

2013-02-18 09.01.23-2This week I’m teaching all week in our Discipleship Training School on the Father Heart of God. It is one of those topics that is so essential to our relationship with God. When we look at many children and how they grow up without a father, an abusive father or a father who cares more about his own goals then about his child, we see more and more problems rising up in the lives of the children. But that is not the way God is. He is a loving father who has always time for his children. But many out there don’t know that. Here are some tips on how to show people more of the father’s heart.

  1. Be a father to people:
    Each of us presents God on this earth by the way we live. When we reach out to people in love it starts to transform them. It starts to soften their heart and enables them to receive from God. When you feel loved from someone you are more likely to share with them and be real with them, right? If that is true for you it’s true as well for others.
  2. Share with them about God:
    After they are more open you need to share with them who God really is by using the different examples that the bible gives us about the father heart of God. Best example is the story of the prodigal son. Show them how Father God is different than any earthly father. He cares about his son even after he messed up big time. Another great one to share is the fathers love letter. It shows in many ways the heart of God for us.
  3. Pray for an Encounter with the Father:
    Knowing the father heart of God cannot be achieved only by head knowledge. No that person needs to have a personal encounter with God. And that is the part where each of us can play a significant role. You need to start praying for a real encounter for that person with Father God. Also pray against walls that are build up in them against Him because of their earthly fathers.  Its important that some of them are broken down for them to even be open to God.

Remember a real encounter with Father God brings transformation in a Person.

Start bringing Gods father heart to people around you.

Have a blessed week
Markus and Jen

Alfred Nobel’s (peace price) legacy

Hey our friend

20141004_165423_Richtone(HDR)We hope you had a wonderful week. Here in San Francisco we are experiencing right now our summer months with temperatures up to 96F which is very unusual for here but we wont complain since we actually really enjoy it! About 6 months ago we started an encouragement group at Café Roma. It is amazing to see how each person that comes is encouraged when they leave. It is a very simple concept but it literally brings hope and courage to people. Start one in your area. Email us to learn more on how to do it.

Please keep praying with us in this season for North Beach San Francisco. Over the last few months we had many car break ins in our neighborhood as well as robberies and other violence. Most of that violence is located on Broadway which holds 8 strip clubs in a very small area, which draws many other problems. Pray for protection over the police while they are doing their job and pray for the people that go into the clubs as well as the women that work there. Pray for Gods peace and love to come to those places. Thank you for praying with us!

Alfred Nobel’s (peace price) legacy

20141004_165257A little while ago  I heard the story of Alfred Nobel, the founder of the nobel prize (see more of his story on Wikipedia). Nobel was the one that invented dynamite. Many years into his life his brother Ludvig died while being in Cannes. But the French newspapers thought Alfred died and wrote this as an obituary: “Le marchand de la mort est mort (“The merchant of death is dead”) Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.”

After Alfred read his own obituary he came to the realization that people would remember him of something he doesn’t want to be remembered for. So he created the Nobel Prize. In his will he left 94% of all his money towards those prices. The most famous one is the Nobel Peace price and that is also the thing Nobel is remembered for.

If a newspaper would write a obituary about you today what would they write about you? But more important what would you like them to write about you? But the most important what would God want them to write about you?

These are good questions to ask when we go on with our everyday life. Ask yourself and then write out a obituary for yourself with all the things you want to be remembered for as well the things God called you for. Read it every morning and live your day focused on that finish.


Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

P.s. Any fulltime ministry always comes with a cost. For Jen and me it is the cost of San Francisco. City ministry is expensive, but in the same way really needed since more and more people in the world live in cities. Consider joining our support team. We still have a way to go, but we are praying for that by January next year we are fully funded through committed monthly support. During this year we lost a few monthly supporters, so to reach that goal we need about $2852 more monthly. You can support us with any amount you like since no gift is too small or too big. Click here to find out more on how to do it! Thank you for considering us.