Are you hungry

 Hello friend

We had a wonderful week here in North Beach. We finished our work with the Elderly place for the summer since they have a break till September. Also our wonderful interns are leaving this week. They did such a great job with all areas they were involved in. Please pray for their transition back into school and job search.  We also were able to connect more with the community through joining a monthly lunch at a place in the Neighborhood. It’s awesome how God uses opportunities like that.

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Are you hungry

I think all of us are hungry for something. When you are hungry for food and ate a good portion you will be satisfied and probably don’t want any food for a while. At least that is the case for me. But that is different with God. When I spend time with Him either praying, worshipping or just sitting with Him, I feel filled but on the other side I am hungry for more.  Another interesting thing about hunger is our focus. When we are hungry all our focus is geared towards what we are hungry for. Its hard to focus on something else or think clear when we have a real hunger. And that is the kind of hunger we need for God. One way to get that hunger is to keep filling ourselves on what he is doing today (testimonies) and put our focus and time on Him. When you focus on something or someone, it is hard to take your eyes off of that. That is the same with God. If we spend as much time with God as we spend on other important things in our life, we will grow closer to Him and we get hungry for getting to know Him more and see more of Him in this world today and become more of a light in this world.

Think about how can become more hungry for Him personally.

God bless

Markus and Jen

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